Traffic volume counts

Brisbane City Council provides a traffic volume count service for Council-owned and operated traffic light intersections. The traffic volume count information that can be requested is electronic intersection volume data or a legal statement of operations.

Electronic intersection data

Requests for electronic intersection volume data can be either detailed or standard:

  • Detailed intersection data for a specified period up to one month, including
    • up to three intersections
    • up to one month's volumes
    • 1 week per intersection historical timing
    • A4 phasing diagram
  • Standard intersection data
    • up to three intersections
    • one month's volumes and A4 intersection plan.

It is important to note that:

  • public and school holidays or other events significantly affect averages
  • pedestrians or different types of vehicles cannot be identified
  • turning vehicles cannot be identified from those that are travelling straight, except in designated turning lanes.

Legal statement of operations

For a report accepted in a court of law, you can apply for a legal statement of operations that includes faults and plans. 

Ultimate traffic projection requests

Ultimate traffic projection requests are often sought by professionals involved in pavement design or building acoustic design where future volumes on the road network can influence design requirements. The information provided in these requests includes:

  • Existing volumes on a road or intersection for two approach roads
  • Existing heavy vehicle proportions as a percentage based on Austroads vehicle class 4 and above
  • Future year volume forecasts (currently based on a 2041 horizon)
  • Future year Heavy Vehicle proportions.

The information provided is sourced from trip forecasting models for Brisbane considering a range of travel influences such as population and employment growth, land use, road network capacity and planned future network upgrades to all modes including public transport, active transport and road network.


Fees are valid from 1 July 2024. 

Note: No fee shall be payable in respect of authorities where an exchange of information is regular practice or where information is required for a survey and the results of which will be made available to the Council and will be of Council's benefit.

Traffic count typeMinimum fee (including GST)
Ultimate traffic volume information reports$317.90
Standard traffic counts at signalised intersections - Up to 3 intersections at 1 month each or 1 intersection for 3 months, volumes 15 or 30 minutes plus A4 signal plan.$142.50
Detailed traffic count at signalised intersections –  Up to 3 intersections at 1 month each or 1 intersection for 3 months, 15 or 30 minute volumes, A4 signal plan, 1 week historical timing per intersection and A4 phasing diagram.$260.65
Photocopy of manual traffic counts including traffic movements and vehicle classifications (A4) per intersection.$45.05
Legal statement of operations$254.80

How to apply

  1. Before requesting a traffic count, contact Council to find out if the intersection is Council or Main Roads responsibility.
  2. For traffic signals managed by Council, complete the request for electronic intersection data or legal statement online form.
  3. For ultimate traffic projection requests, complete the application form (PDF - 111kb) and return via your preferred method from the options listed on the form.

For this type of request, information will be available within 15 working days on receipt of application.

Last updated:

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