Other rebates

Brisbane City Council offers a number of rates rebates, including pensioner, and not-for-profit rebates.

Pensioner rebate

Pensioners are entitled to a rebate on the rates for their owner occupied residence. There are two types of pensioner rebates available:

  • maximum rebate is available to people on a full pension, or
  • partial rebate is available to people on an allowance/benefit or a part pension.

To be eligible, applicants must meet specific criteria.

For more information, including the policy, visit pensioner rebates

Rate capping

Rate capping is granted on general rates for owner-occupiers of residential properties (categories 1, 1ga, 10, 10aa and 10ga).

This caps any increase on general rates to a maximum of 7.5% based on the previous year's net general rates. This means that if a general rate increase is higher than this, Council will credit the amount over the cap.

You do not need to apply to receive rate capping. Once owner-occupier status is recorded, rate capping is automatically applied.

The following additional conditions apply to the rebate in the case of categories 1, 1ga, 10, 10aa and 10ga:

  • the owner of the land (or if there is more than one owner, at least one of the owners) must live permanently on the land
  • the concession does not apply to any land held in the name of a trust or company.

For more information about eligibility criteria for rate capping, refer to the Resolution of Rates and Charges in Council's budget documents.

Owner-occupier multi-residential (single family) premises

Residential owners who have no more than two self-contained dwellings on a single assessment may apply to have their property rated Category 1 Owner-Occupier (which receives rate capping).

For more information, download the owner-occupier multi-residential (single family) premises application form (PDF - 125kb)

Bushland preservation rebate

Land covered by a Voluntary Conservation Agreement or a Land for Wildlife Agreement is exempt from Council's Bushland Preservation Levy. Before land can be covered by an agreement, it must go through a formal process of landowner consultation and independent assessment.

The Bushland Preservation Rebate is automatically applied to eligible owners' rate accounts, no application is required. For more information about entering one of these agreements, contact Council on 3403 8888.

General rates exemptions

If a property is used for public, religious, charitable or educational purposes it may be eligible for exemption from paying general rates.

More information about eligibility criteria for exemptions can be found in the Resolution of Rates and Charges in the budget section.

Application for a general rates exemption must be submitted in writing on letterhead for the relevant organisation and signed by an authorised signatory. The letter must include the following information:

  • contact name and number
  • address of property
  • rate account number
  • identification of the category and type of organisation

Applications can be submitted by:

Not-for-profit general rate rebate - community, welfare, affordable housing providers or kindergartens

Council offers a partial rebate of 50% of general rates to certain not-for-profit organisations that provide or support essential welfare or community services in the Brisbane local government area.

Council offers a partial rebate of 20% of general rates to not-for-profit organisations that have been established for the purpose of providing affordable housing in the Brisbane local government area.

We also offer 100% rebate on most rates and charges to eligible not-for-profit kindergartens.

To be eligible, applicants must comply with all criteria set out in the online rate account rebate application form and provide all required supporting documentation. 

Alternatively, applicants can download the:

More information

Further information about the rebates can be found in the:

Or you can view Council's Resolution of Rates and Charges.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.