Business Hotline 133 BNE

Brisbane City Council has a dedicated 24 hour a day, seven day a week 133 BNE (133 263) hotline to support business in Brisbane.
The hotline is a one-stop-shop for businesses of all sizes seeking information and advice on Council services and is a convenient way to get all your questions answered in one phone call.
Council’s aim is to make starting or running your business as easy as possible.
Call 133 BNE (133 263) to access information on a range of topics including:
- food licensing including food safety permits
- home businesses
- planning and development applications and advice
- business opportunities
- working with Council including tenders and procurement
- advertising sign advice and permits
- filming in Brisbane including permits
- festival and event permits
- commercial activities on public land
- plus many more.
A single point of contact
Council’s Business Hotline is not limited to simple questions. Over 98% of queries can be answered with one phone call, but if your issue is more complex and requires follow up, Council will ensure you always speak to the same Council officer.
Experienced staff with personal service
Council’s Business Hotline staff have extensive business backgrounds and are trained to meet the specific needs of businesses, ensuring you get the right help and advice.
Other business resources
Suburban Business Hub, Nundah
Council's Suburban Business Hub at 16 Aspinall Street, Nundah supports Brisbane businesses with a space to start, run and grow.
The hub is a free co-working and meeting space for local businesses, business groups and chambers of commerce located within the Brisbane Local Government Area. It hosts a range of events and industry professional-run workshops on a range of business topics, as well as onsite Council officers to provide information about Council's free business support services. The hub also includes a display of local creative businesses.
Business in Brisbane Facebook group
Since 2020, Council has hosted a Business in Brisbane Facebook group which has more than 5000 members. It's a great way to connect with other Brisbane businesses and keep updated about opportunities and support. Join the group, as well as our LinkedIn community.
More information
To find out more about our business support, phone Council’s Business Hotline on 133 BNE (133 263).