Finance and City Governance Committee

Committee membership

ChairCouncillor Fiona Cunningham
Deputy ChairCouncillor Steven Huang
Shadow ChairCouncillor Jared Cassidy
MembersCouncillor Julia Dixon
Councillor Trina Massey
Councillor Danita Parry


The responsibilities of the Finance and City Governance Committee will be to:

  • enable the efficient functioning of Council as an organisation
  • maintain and enhance the financial strength and performance of Council
  • ensure sound corporate governance and that Council’s risks are identified and managed
  • ensure the safety and security of Council, including the protection of Council assets
  • prepare Council and the community to minimise the impact of severe weather and natural disasters
  • promote and protect Council’s values, brand and reputation
  • ensure the community is brought up to date with the latest initiatives of the Council
  • ensure the procurement of Council’s goods and services provides best value for money while also delivering on Council's policies to support local suppliers
  • improve the quality and lower the cost of Council services
  • ensure the effective management of Council’s human resources, business processes, IT and property assets
  • enhance and maximise asset performance
  • ensure the performance of Council assets is enhanced and optimised, and support commercial lease agreements that deliver ongoing benefits to Brisbane ratepayers and improve Brisbane's lifestyle.
Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.