Our active, healthy city

In 2031, Brisbane will be a city of diverse and accessible recreational opportunities for all ages, abilities and backgrounds.
All Brisbane residents will have access to achieve active and healthy lifestyles and will be supported in their choice of physical activity, play or sport.
Brisbane will maintain world-class health conditions with reduced public health risks, healthy built and natural environments and minimal exposure to diseases.
Brisbane City Council's goals:
- under a partnership agreement with the Australian and Queensland Governments, Council will contribute to the performance benchmark to increase the proportion of adults participating in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on five or more days of the week by 15% from baseline by 2018
- under a partnership agreement with the Australian and Queensland Governments, Council will contribute to the performance benchmark to return the proportion of adults at healthy weight to baseline level by 2018
- by 2031, participation in Council's 'Active and Healthy' activities will increase compared to 2013
- an accessible network of parks and recreation facilities that meets the needs of Brisbane's residents will be provided by 2031.
What you can do
You can:
- take family or friends to a park, natural area or recreation facility
- have fun, socialise and learn new skills with the active parks activities program
- cool off in a Council pool, play a game of golf or have a hit of tennis
- walk your dog to a dog off-leash area
- help your community or sporting club apply for a sporting grant
- plan a bike ride along Brisbane's extensive bikeway network
- get your family involved in an Active School Travel program
- buy your fruit and vegetables from local farmers markets
- contribute to a community garden
- find out which vaccination you need, when it's scheduled and where to get it
- find more information about Brisbane's public health services.
What Council is doing
Brisbane City Council's plans and strategies, projects, programs and initiatives include:
City's progress
Council's achievements since 2006:
- increased the number of sports fields and hard courts across the city to over 600
- upgraded seven district, metropolitan and major parks and purchased 90 hectares of land for new sports fields and parkland
- delivered accessible and inclusive playgrounds or park experiences in every ward across Brisbane
- built three new pools at Runcorn, Colmslie and Mt Gravatt East
- achieved a 70% increase in the number of patrons at Council's pools since 2006, with over two million patrons now accessing Council's pools annually as a result of asset enhancement and promotion
- immunised 107,350 infants and 339,238 school children over the last six years
- conducted more than 15,000 audits of food safety and hygiene standards of licensed food businesses and contributed to a 48% reduction in foodborne illness notifications over five years. There has been a 76% increase in community awareness of food hygiene standards when dining out.