Our friendly, safe city

In 2031, Brisbane will be a city of strong and diverse communities. We will show friendship and caring by helping others. We will welcome new residents, migrants, students and visitors, celebrate cultural diversity, and provide support to people who are disadvantaged.
Residents will feel safe at home and when out and about.
Effective emergency and disaster management will be integrated across South East Queensland to ensure that Brisbane has the capability to prepare, plan, respond and recover in all hazard risk environments to disasters impacting on the city.
By 2031:
- the majority of Brisbane's residents will agree that Brisbane is friendly and welcoming to all
- the majority of Brisbane's residents will agree that they and their family feel safe when out and about in Brisbane
- all Brisbane households, businesses and community organisations will have access to information on how to prepare for natural disasters
- all Brisbane residents will have access to site specific information to understand their level of flood risk and risks of other hazards
- wherever possible, Council communication will be available to read in other languages using mobile devices and other channels.
What you can do
You can:
- welcome new people in your street
- join your local Neighbourhood Watch group
- join a community group or get involved in your local community projects
- volunteer with a not-for-profit community group
- Be Floodwise
- be prepared for severe storm emergencies
- join Brisbane's State Emergency Service (SES) as a volunteer
- send Brisbane City Council a Fix-o-gram about graffiti, litter, or damage in public spaces.
What Council is doing
Brisbane City Council's plans and strategies, projects, programs and initiatives include:
- Indigenous aspirations strategy
- Homeless strategy
- A City for Everyone: Draft Inclusive Brisbane Plan 2019-2029
- Youth Strategy 2014-2019: Delivering a youth-friendly city
- Grants for community groups and non-profit organisations
- FloodSmart Future Strategy
- Local Government Disaster Management Plan.
City's progress
Council's achievements since 2006:
- built three new libraries and refurbished community facilities, libraries and halls resulting in enhanced useability
- in 2011, the Federation style Sandgate Town Hall was restored
- implemented Homeless Connect events in Brisbane, which have been held now for more than six years. Homeless Connect has now been expanded to all capital cities across Australia
- delivered more than 640 free tours for visitors to the city each year through the Brisbane Greeters program, established in 2012. Brisbane's share of visitors to Queensland has increased year-on-year since 2006, reaching 30% in 2011/12
- supported the Brisbane community during and after the January 2011 floods by responding to 81,027 calls from the public and facilitating the mobilisation of nearly 23,000 volunteers (the 'Mud Army') to assist with the clean-up of flood-affected properties and providing more than 6300 free tetanus vaccinations. Updates about the flood event were provided to more than 8 million people via Twitter and 4.5 million people via Facebook
- coordinated Council's $400 million plus flood recovery effort including completion of recommendations from the Flood Action Plan
- released the Flood Flag Maps on Council's website, which indicate areas that are at potential risk of flooding. FloodWise Property Reports were also made available online, allowing residents to see the potential risk and type of flooding for a property and how high the flood may reach. Over 1 million reports have been generated to date
- provided a free severe weather early notification service, Brisbane Severe Weather Alert, to assist residents with early preparation of severe weather events
- assisted residents and businesses by responding to 12,710,371 customer requests through Council's Contact Centre since January 2006.