Online resources for business

The following government websites, government funded initiatives and other online resources provide useful information for Brisbane businesses.

Starting your business

  • Business Readiness Health Check
    This simple, interactive tool provided by the Queensland Government can assess the strengths and weaknesses of your new business start-up approach, and identify opportunities to improve. You’ll receive a personalised diagnostic business report highlighting key areas for further development and practical resources to help with your business launch.
  • Business Launchpad
    This digital tool provided by the Queensland Government can help you understand the licences, permits and regulation requirements for your business across Local, State and Federal government.
  • Business Planning Resources
    The Queensland Government’s business planning resources can make getting your business on the right track a breeze. Find out how to create a plan for your business, including writing the plan and operational documents, and setting goals. There are videos, templates and a webinar recording to help get your planning sorted.
  • Data to understand your market and location
    Use Brisbane’s Community Profiles to access detailed statistical information about the people who live in an area, the workers and businesses. Profiles are generated automatically using the latest demographic, social and economic data available.
  • Australian Tax Office
    Information about tax issues, tax basics for small business, superannuation, record keeping and your obligations as a business.

Growing your business

Cybersecurity and scams

  • IDCARE for Small Business
    Strengthen your cyber resilience and protect your digital assets with not-for-profit organisation IDCARE. Equipped with the latest technology and staffed by expert cyber advisors, the service is provided at no cost to small businesses.  Whether you are experiencing an incident, suspect some phishy activity or just want to check your cyber health, IDCARE can help assess your resilience needs or assist your business get back on its feet after an event.
  • Cyber Wardens
    The free Cyber Wardens online course is made for busy small businesses and takes only 45 minutes to complete. It provides practical and quick cyber safety solutions to help you and your team protect your business and keep cyber criminals out. Cyber Wardens is an initiative of the Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia (COSBOA), supported by the Australian Government and an industry alliance led by Telstra, CommBank and the Australian Cyber Security Centre.
  • Scamwatch
    Information for small businesses and consumers about how to recognise, avoid and report scams. Scamwatch is run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Managing business risk

  • Develop a Business Continuity Plan
    The Queensland Government’s business continuity planning template can help you develop a risk management plan, incident response plan and recover plan. 
  • Business Insurance
    The Queensland Government provides helpful information for business on the types of insurance to help manage risk and protect you and your business from loss.
  • Business Security Assessment Guide
    The Queensland Police Service’s Business Security Assessment Guide is a practical tool to help you review your current business security measures and identify potential security risks. Complete the template yourself, or request assistance with an on-site security assessment. 
  • Plan for a network outage
    The Australian Government provide information on some easy things you can to do prepare your business for unexpected outages due to an emergency or network fault. 


  • Sustainable Business Hub
    Council’s Brisbane Sustainability Agency provides resources and exclusive offers to reduce your costs without costing the planet.
  • Reducing business waste with ASPIRE
    Council's business recycling program can help you find responsible, cost-effective waste management solutions. Save time and money, while reducing waste to landfill, with resources including free access to the ASPIRE waste exchange platform for local businesses with less than 100 employees.

Online learning

Leasing issues and dispute resolution

  • Queensland Small Business Commissioner
    If you are having issues with your lease or are experiencing a business-to-business dispute, the Queensland Small Business Commissioner provides factsheets on the most common dispute topics as well as offering mediation services. 
  • Prevent, manage and resolve disputes
    The Australian Government provides helpful resources and tips to help businesses prevent, manage and resolve disputes.

More information

For further assistance phone Council’s Business Hotline 133 BNE (133 263) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Last updated:

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