Brisbane's Economic Development Plan

In 2012, Brisbane City Council launched Brisbane’s Economic Development Plan 2031 to ensure Brisbane is prepared for future growth in the city’s economy and infrastructure. The plan won the 2012 Strategic Planning Regional Category of the Economic Development Australia Awards.

Council continues to work together with its Economic Development Board, Brisbane Economic Development Agency, to deliver on this award-winning plan to strengthen Brisbane’s economy to secure long term success and economic prosperity.

Delivering the key priorities

Council is delivering the five key priorities of Brisbane’s Economic Development Plan 2031.

Building Brisbane's global reputation

Why? To strengthen Brisbane’s profile as a tourism and investment destination.

What we're doing

Growing a productive economy

Why? To nurture local business growth and attract new business.

What we're doing

Attracting talent and connecting globally

Why? To offer diverse and growing employment opportunities.

What we're doing

Enriching Brisbane's lifestyle

Why? To create more to see and do.

What we're doing

  • River Access Network increasing commercial, recreation and tourism opportunities focusing on the Brisbane River.
  • Brisbane Greeters program offers free orientation tours to tourists and visitors, available in over 13 languages.
  • Outdoor Gallery transforming Brisbane’s laneways and city streets into engaging spaces.
Leading and engaging

Why? To deliver on the economic priorities for Brisbane.

Download Economic Plan documents

To find out more about Brisbane's Economic Development Plan 2031, download:

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.