Outdoor lighting

Before installing any outdoor lighting, find out the key facts about your property. Use this information to find out if your outdoor lighting project needs planning approval.
Brisbane City Plan 2014 defines 'outdoor lighting' as 'any form of permanently installed lighting system, whether internal or external, which emits light that may have impact beyond the site'.
Any proposal that involves lighting outdoor areas needs to be assessed against the Outdoor lighting code. Proposals include, but are not limited to, the lighting of houses, apartment buildings, tennis courts, sporting fields, commercial premises and private car parks. Lighting such as street and traffic lights, public utilities and public facilities are not subject to compliance with this code.
No development application required
If your outdoor lighting project meets all acceptable outcomes in the Outdoor lighting code, a development application to Brisbane City Council is not required. A self assessment of the Outdoor lighting code should be carried out to determine compliance with the identified requirements.
Impact assessment development application
If your proposed outdoor lighting project does not comply with the Outdoor lighting code, then an impact assessable development application will be required.
Lighting installation
Even if a development application is not required for outdoor lighting, a suitable lighting expert should be engaged to install and to certify that the lighting and installation meet the acceptable outcomes of the Outdoor lighting code.
This certification statement should be submitted to Council, in conjunction with a copy of the building approval given by a private building certifier.