Better Suburbs - Places and Spaces - Ryans Road, Nundah

Brisbane City Council is working with the local community to revitalise the neighbourhood precinct at the corner of Ryans Road and Robinson Road, Nundah. This is part of the Better Suburbs – Places and Spaces (BSPS) public realm improvement program and Council’s commitment to creating a city of vibrant neighbourhoods.
Community engagement
During the project’s launch in late 2023, Council invited the local community to share their ideas and local knowledge of the precinct and wider neighbourhood. The received feedback assisted Council in developing the proposed concept design, which was released in June 2024.
To celebrate the release of the proposed concept design, Council held a community event on Sunday 16 June in the road space directly outside the local shops at 130 Ryans Road, Nundah.
The local community were encouraged to share their feedback on the proposed concept design and speak with the project team. They also enjoyed family-friendly activities including face painting, interactive chalk art on the road, music, and a native plant giveaway.
Throughout the three-week engagement period, between 10-30 June 2024, community feedback was gathered during in-person and online engagement activities.
From the online engagement, Council received positive feedback with over 79% of respondents indicating either ’strongly support’ and ’support’ for the proposed concept design. Some of the key improvements were:
- creation of a new public space
- road safety upgrades
- pedestrian focus
- street greening
- lighting upgrade
- place identity through creative pavement patterns.
Thank you for sharing your feedback and support on the proposed concept design. Your feedback along with further detail design investigation will inform the final improvement plan, which will be released in early 2025.
Community event image gallery
Project timeline
Project launch (complete)
20 November to 10 December 2023
Site opportunities released for community feedback and engagement activities located on-site and online.
A summary of the community’s feedback released in early 2024.
Concept design (complete)
June 2024
Proposed concept design released for community feedback.
- Download the Ryans Road, Nundah concept design (PDF - 1.5Mb).
Early 2025
Final improvement plan released, and construction scheduled from early 2025.
Project completion
Mid 2025
More information
For more information on the BSPS Ryans Road, Nundah project you can:
- phone Council on 07 3403 8888
- email the project team
Find out more about Better Suburbs - Places and Spaces.