The original CityShape 2026

Brisbane City Council has developed a plan for managing growth and development in Brisbane. This plan is detailed in the draft CityShape 2026 document. Public feedback on CityShape included suggestions for planning the layout of Brisbane, accommodating future growth, building sustainable developments, improving transport, encouraging employment, keeping green spaces and protecting Brisbane’s identity.

The original CityShape 2026

The draft CityShape 2026 outlined a direction for managing growth and development in Brisbane.

In 2005 and 2006, Council asked for feedback on the draft CityShape plan and how the city should grow over the next 20 years. More than 60,000 people responded with their ideas and comments.

Brisbane residents and workers advised Council that they wanted new homes and development to be built around Brisbane’s major shopping centres or along major growth corridors. Residents also wanted jobs to be located close to where they lived, with better local services and facilities.

The resulting draft CityShape 2026 was an overall view of how Brisbane residents wanted to see future growth managed. The preferred CityShape, identified in 2006, was a multi-centred city with elements of a corridor city.

Updating the CityShape

City Shape was developed in 2006, as a blueprint for the future to manage growth in Brisbane.

Since 2006, Brisbane’s forecast population and employment growth has increased further, development has begun, and more infrastructure has been constructed or planned.  Some of these events will make a significant change to how the city operates, including new bridges and the cross-river rail link.

Council has prepared a new Strategic Framework as part of the new City Plan 2014, which outlines the blueprint for the growth of the city over the next 20 years. The Strategic Framework incorporates the concepts of the multi-centred and corridor city, as identified in the original CityShape in 2006.

Key CityShape themes

The CityShape 2026 document incorporated five key themes that Brisbane people strongly value about our city:

  1. Calling Brisbane home - building new sustainable developments that reflect the style of an urban village.
  2. Getting Brisbane moving - improving the network of cross-city public transport, roads, walking and cycling paths that link homes to workplaces, shops, schools and facilities.
  3. Keeping Brisbane green - keeping green spaces large, connected and protecting them and our waterways from development.
  4. Putting Brisbane to work - encouraging employment in major shopping centres, major industrial areas and specialist employment precincts.
  5. Protecting Brisbane’s identity - protecting backyards and traditional character housing.

The original CityShape 2026 document

The CityShape document contains a sketch map, suggested routes for growth corridors, locations of potential major centres and employment precincts and green spaces that should be kept.

Feedback on the Draft Brisbane CityShape 2026 plan closed in 2006, however you can still download the original CityShape 2026 - full document (PDF - 1.3MB).

CityShape movies

You can watch short animations showing how Brisbane might change in the future. These CityShape movies were produced as part of the discussion about the original City Shape in 2005 and 2006.

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Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.