Inner Spark

Brisbane is where big ideas and opportunities come alive.
In April 2022, Brisbane City Council started a citywide conversation and engagement program – named Inner Spark – with the aim to gather the brightest of ideas from Brisbane communities to help shape the future of the inner city.
We asked what you would like Brisbane to look like – in time for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games and beyond?
From July to September 2022, you told us which Big Ideas for Brisbane you love, and submitted ideas of your own.
Brisbane’s Book of Big Ideas
Brisbane’s Book of Big Ideas showcases the diversity and creativity of the Big Ideas as well as the variety of community ideas and feedback we received about ways to improve and enhance Brisbane’s inner city.
- Inner Spark – Brisbane’s Book of Big Ideas (PDF - 51Mb)
- Inner Spark – Brisbane’s Book of Big Ideas (Word - 94.8Mb)
These ideas will guide Council’s planning for the future and help make the Brisbane of tomorrow even better than the Brisbane of today.
Inner Spark themes
We initiated Inner Spark by putting the call out for Big Ideas from design studios, university students, industry bodies and professionals in the built environment industry. We received more than 60 bold ideas accompanied by initial design concepts under seven themes:

Create more to see and do, promote access and inclusion

Improve the cycle network, enhance river connections, upgrade public transport, improve connections to inner city green space

Stage iconic events, deliver creative lighting, grow the visitor economy

Green our city, create walkable streets, activate small spaces

Future focused
Facilitate growth, plan our Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games legacy, elevate our global city

Clean, green, sustainable, carbon positive

Ability to respond, adapt and rebuild to challenging conditions
Community ideas
See your bright ideas for Brisbane's inner city.
More information
For more information about Inner Spark, you can:
- sign up to the Planning and Building database to receive updates about the Inner Spark project and other planning and building projects in Brisbane
- email the project team
- phone Council on 07 3403 8888
- write to:
Brisbane City Council
Urban Renewal Brisbane (Inner Spark)
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane QLD 4001.