Public lighting design submissions
Public lighting in Brisbane is the responsibility of Council. Public lighting includes street lighting, pedestrian lighting, under-awning lighting and metered lighting. Council requires public lighting designs to be reviewed and accepted to ensure designs comply with Council requirements.
Council requirements for public lighting
Council requirements for public lighting
Council takes a comprehensive approach to public lighting, which evaluates all aspects of a design, including: maintainability, operation, functionality, sustainability, impact on residents and design compliance to City Plan and Australian Standards. Consultants may be requested to amend designs to improve these aspects.
Lighting consultancy firms are expected to conform to specified requirements listed on this page and Council published documents including Brisbane City Council City Plan 2014 and Brisbane Standard drawings (BSD). Lighting consultancy firm submissions are required to demonstrate understanding of Council’s current City Plan, relevant Australian Standards for public lighting, and any other relevant legislation, regulations and standards.
Overview of the acceptance process
Overview of the acceptance process
As part of their Development Approval (DA) conditions, developers may be required to submit designs for public lighting and electrical reticulation to Council for acceptance. Developers must engage lighting consultancy firms to produce these designs, submit them to Council (City Lighting) for assessment, and make corrections required for acceptance.
When a design has been accepted, a letter of acceptance is issued via email. This letter is to be submitted by the consultant to Energex for their acceptance process if required.
City Lighting design assessment is not to be used as a tool to ensure the quality of the lighting design submission. It is expected that the lighting designs have been through the consultant’s internal quality control processes before being issued to Council. It is expected that lighting consultants have comprehensive knowledge of the applicable standards and requirements of public lighting design in the Brisbane City Council area.
This process includes but is not limited to the following:
- Liaison and technical design review on electrical reticulation and public lighting drawings to ensure design compliance with AS/NZS 1158 (P and V category), AS/NZS 4282, AS/NZS 3000, Brisbane City Council Infrastructure Design Planning Scheme Policy (IDPSP), Brisbane Standard drawings (BSD), Energex technical documents and in accordance with the Professional Engineers Act.
- Consultant design inquiries regarding public lighting and electrical reticulation.
- Design is assessed as:
- Fit for purpose.
- Easy to maintain.
- Energy efficient.
- Compliant.
- Minimised spill light impact on residents.
- Minimising over lighting.
- Considering future planning.
- Increasing public safety and minimising environmental impact.
- Constructible.
- Sustainable.
- Work with consultants for alternative solutions to achieve the above or when technical or non-compliance issues arise.
Development conditions scope
A street lighting condition refers specifically to the lighting of the carriageway and surrounds for ‘V’ category lighting or to the road reserve for ‘P’ category lighting.
A pedestrian lighting condition refers specifically to the lighting of the footpath area around or adjacent to the development. If the condition states that the installation is to comply with UMS drawings, then any reference to UMS drawings requires the relevant BSD drawing to be used. The pedestrian lighting condition requires a separate installation to the street lighting condition. Street lighting contribution must not be used to show compliance with the pedestrian lighting condition and vice versa. Generally, the Council approved luminaire and pole will be used under rate 3 conditions for the pedestrian lighting.
An under awning lighting condition is for lighting installed in the building’s awning to light the whole width of the footpath, not just the area under the awning. Note that the area is a footpath (not a public activity area) and as such the calculation points include both vertical and horizontal calculation points along the footpath.
Lighting installed under the awning is to fully meet the lighting technical parameters (LTP) requirements as specified in the condition without the contribution of any other lighting in the vicinity e.g. street lighting, pedestrian lighting, etc.
For public lighting reflected light is not to be used in the calculation of the lighting values for compliance with the applicable LTPs.
Further information on categories can be found in in the other sections of this page.
Design submissions
Design submissions
Letter of acceptance
Upon acceptance of a submission, Council will issue a letter of acceptance via email. If required, you are to provide a copy of this letter to Energex to review and accept your submission.
Make sure that you read the letter of acceptance carefully as it contains certain requirements that you must comply with.
This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Obtain written acceptance from Council for non-standard alignment installation of street-lights prior to construction, send email to BCC-LandAccess@brisbane.qld.gov.au.
- Liaise with Energex and confirm a suitable point of supply is available for the installation.
- Street-lighting is not to be installed less than 7 meters from a street tree.
- Provision of as-constructed drawings for rate 2, rate 3 and metered installations and electrical test results for rate 3 and metered installations as applicable.
Lighting design acceptance timeframe
Council will aim to issue the letter of acceptance within 30 days of receiving a public lighting design submission. Where the applicant is required to re-submit the design, Council will aim to issue the letter of acceptance within two weeks of re-submission but no earlier than 30 days from the first submission.
Acceptance letters issued by Council for public lighting and electrical projects are only valid for a period of 12 months. The designs shall be submitted to EQL/Energex within 12 months of the letter of acceptance being issued. If this does not occur the design shall be submitted again for acceptance as a new design submission.
Design submission fees
Design submission fees are payable by the lighting consultancy firm who created the design and submitted it to Council.
Design submissions are subject to two fee types, assessment and re-assessment.
- Assessment fees are charged once per design submission.
- Re-assessment fees are charged per design resubmission.
The current fees are available on Council's Schedule of Fees and Charges.
Which designs incur fees
All public lighting submissions including street lighting, pedestrian lighting, under-awning lighting and metered lighting are subject to assessment fees and re-assessment fees if resubmitted.
Design information submitted to Council must be legible and must show calculations in full.
Public lighting parameter requests
All public lighting parameter requests and public lighting design submissions are to be sent to City Lighting via email at CS-Lighting@brisbane.qld.gov.au to confirm or update DA conditions requirements as per Council City Plan.
You are required to request the lighting technical parameters prior to submitting the design to avoid changing the design to the correct lighting category.
Information included in the lighting design parameters request shall include:
- Development approval number.
- Development approval conditions package.
- Development/subdivision name.
- Development/subdivision address.
- Development/subdivision stage.
- Masterplan and or concepts if staged development.
- Consultant’s suggested road lighting categories from Council City Plan online information such as road hierarchy.
- All roadways, laneways, pathways, bikeways, etc to be included in the request.
- A preliminary plan showing the road (including any traffic islands, LATMs, etc) and lot layout for the development.
Submission and resubmission requirements
Submission and resubmission requirements
All public lighting design submissions are to be sent to City Lighting via email at CS-Lighting@brisbane.qld.gov.au.
Information included in the lighting design submissions shall include:
- Development/subdivision name
- Development/subdivision address
- Development/subdivision stage
- Development approval number
- Development approval conditions package
- Certified design
- Drawing number and revision
- North point
- Scale bar
- Signed certification
- Schedules
- Identify limit of works
- Identification of illuminance design areas
- Calculations results for illuminance design areas (includes surrounds for V category roads)
- Provide luminance spacing calculations
- Show the distance between luminaires on the design drawings
- Include all required compliance information as per AS/NZS 1158
- Include all required compliance information as per AS/NZS 4282
- Include all required compliance information as per AS/NZS 3000
- Curve Radius/Radii shown
- illuminance design files to be submitted.
- Design results showing lower wattage luminaires provide a non-compliant outcome.
Design resubmissions
Any non-compliance or defects not already agreed with Council will result in the design being returned to the consultant for rectification. These issues include:
- the design does not meet the requirements of City Plan
- calculations showing incorrect design or incorrect design files used or luminaire i-table not compatible with nominated poles
- incorrect calculations provided - wrong i-table, incorrect parameters used
- not including obtrusive lighting results
- over-lighting, where smaller and or less luminaires are able to achieve the required outcome.
- excessive amounts of spill light, non-compliant with AS/NZS 4282
- electrical design non-compliant with AS/NZS 3000, where applicable.
Where the above are not achievable the design consultant shall engage with Council to reach agreement on the preferred solution.
It is expected that if the design consultant finds themselves having issues with the existing luminaires adjoining a particular development, the design consultant shall consult with Council to provide a way forward.
Required qualifications for public lighting designers
Required qualifications for public lighting designers
The type of design determines the qualifications required for lighting designers, listed below.
Energy Queensland/Energex street lighting Rate 2 requirements:
- Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) – Electrical (with demonstrated experience in preparing road lighting design)
- Working for an Energex accredited consultancy firm
Pedestrian Rate 3, metered or under-awning lighting requirements:
- Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) – Electrical (with demonstrated experience in preparing lighting and electrical designs)
- A member of the Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand with minimum grade of “Member”.
Electrical components/reticulation for any lighting design requirements must be certified by a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) – Electrical.
Council design submission requirements
Council design submission requirements
Council City Plan 2014 requirements
City Plan invokes the AS/NZS 1158 series of standards and in certain scenarios amends the requirements. When AS/NZS 1158 requirements are amended, the City Plan must be followed.
Submission quality
Council takes into consideration the quality of a submission and identifies defects and non-compliances during the assessment.
Below are examples of defects/non-compliances which may be identified in the design:
- The submission shows failure of compliance with City Plan.
- The submission shows failure of compliance with a AS/NZS 1158.
- The submission shows failure of compliance with a AS/NZS 4282.
- The submission shows failure of the compliance with AS/NZS 3000 (where applicable).
- Lighting design provides lighting outcome that is much higher than the intended lighting subcategory (over-lighting).
- Design is not energy efficient, using LEDs alone does not make a design energy efficient.
- Incorrect calculations are submitted.
- Incorrect certification details.
- Designed to the incorrect lighting subcategory.
- Luminaire mounting height can be reduced by 1.5m or more.
- Significant spacing variance between lighting poles.
- Incorrect i-tables used or luminaire i-table not compatible with nominated poles.
- Incorrect calculations provided such as incorrect parameters used.
- Schedules do not reflect the general arrangement drawing.
- Designs are to include the next existing luminaire on the road from the design area to show that the proposed lighting shows compliance at the extremities of the design area.
- Number of luminaires can be reduced without affecting compliance.
- Higher luminaire wattage is used while lower luminaire wattage can be used without affecting compliance.
- Not requesting the lighting subcategory.
- No Energex project number is shown on drawings.
General design requirements
General design requirements
The following list contains general guidance for lighting consultants on the expected information and design factors to be considered when designing Rate 2 and Rate 3 lighting.
- Request for street lighting parameters if requirements not in the DA or confirmation of street lighting parameters if requirements are included in the DA. DA conditions to be included with street lighting parameters request.
- If the lighting consultant believes the design parameters nominated do not suit the installation and/or site conditions, the consultant is requested to raise this with City Lighting.
- All new lighting and all relocated lighting is to be LED.
- It is the lighting consultant’s responsibility to engage with Energex to ensure that the supply is available and accessible for public lighting.
- Non-compliances with AS/NZS 4282 to be raised and acceptance confirmed by City Lighting before submission and documented in the compliance certificate.
- No more than two poles located adjacent to the one property street frontage up to 4m past each of the property boundary locations. This should be minimised as far as practicable to limit spill light issues.
- Pole heights to be minimised and consistent.
- Consistent spacings to be used as far as practicable. Spacings should not vary by more than 20% in a continuous run of spans.
- Lighting not to be spaced less than S/2 (maximum spacing divided 2), unless otherwise unavoidable. This shall be agreed with City Lighting prior to submission.
- The lighting power consumption shall be minimised.
- The number of luminaires required to provide a compliant design is to be minimised.
- In subdivisions it is expected that if a project is extending or modifying the current lighting arrangement that the dominant luminaire style in the subdivision will be used for the modifications, this may require additional columns and luminaires to be installed for compliance. Where Energex standard products are no longer available, contact City Lighting for advice on suitable poles and luminaires.
- For P and V category designs, the minimum spacing is to be used when interfacing with different arrangements, lamp types/wattages, etc.
- The use of the 10% allowance for spacing is to be confirmed with City Lighting before it is adopted in a design.
- Where Pedestrian lighting and lighting installed in the building’s awning are to be integrated, both submissions are required to evaluate the interaction.
- Poles on roads without kerbs are to be located a minimum of 3m behind the lane edge line.
- Lighting shall not be removed for accessible roads or footpaths until temporary lighting, or the final design lighting has been installed to suit the installation.
- It is preferable for a street light to be installed on the approach side and close to a bus stop location.
Category V lighting designs
Category V lighting designs
The following guidance is provided for V category roadway lighting installations:
- For ‘V5’ roads the preferred mounting height is 9m.
- For ‘V3’ roads the preferred mounting height is 10.5m.
- Spacing calculations are to provide sufficient detail in regard to the span or spans that they are referring to such as reference to station numbers, chainages, etc.
- For ‘V5’ roads the maximum luminaire wattage is to be 90W LED (2021) luminaire or equivalent as LED technology advances.
- For ‘V5’ roads it is expected that generally the L50 LED luminaire will be sufficient.
- 0° upcast shall be used on all designs. Where it is found that a 5° upcast will reduce the number of columns and luminaires required, City Lighting is to be consulted and must agree prior to design submission.
- All values as required by the relevant part of AS/NZS 1158 series to be supplied. This includes illumination design areas for V category areas as well as the surrounding areas where applicable.
- Consistent luminaire wattage should be used for the design. It is expected that an L170 would not be placed in a run of L50 luminaires.
- The resultant design shall not achieve a lighting outcome that is higher than 1 sub-category above the required lighting sub-category for any span.
- Where minor non-compliances are found, discussion with City Lighting may allow the non-compliances in the lighting design to minimise other potential issues.
- It is expected that the design consultant will achieve luminance requirements on the through carriageways at intersections as per AS/NZS 1158.
- All illuminance design areas shall be outlined, and the illuminance levels supplied shall be in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 1158 series. This includes illuminance levels and uniformity for surround areas.
- If a luminaire adjacent to an intersection is amended in any way the lighting of the intersection shall be evaluated and results of the evaluation provided, including where the designer attempts to exclude the intersection for the LOR (limit of responsibility).
- AS/NZS 4282 compliance to be submitted.
Category P lighting designs
Category P lighting designs
The following guidance is provided for ‘P’ category roadway lighting installations:
- Council City Plan amendment to AS/NZS 1158.3.1 are to be used in the design.
- For situations where lighting is required as per clause 4.3.2 (b) of AS/NZS 1158.3.1, an L50 or equivalent new LED product shall be used at a mounting height of 7.5m maximum to achieve the required light level over the nose(s) of the island. Standard 4.5m outreach or 5m special outreach. These measures are to minimise spill light to residents.
- 0° upcast shall be used on all designs. Where it is found that a 5° upcast will reduce the number of columns and luminaires required this is to be discussed and agreed with City Lighting prior to design submission.
- Preferable mounting height of 7.5m for steel poles. Preferable mounting height of 5.1m for estate poles.
- Consistent luminaire wattage should be used for the design.
- Luminaires to be spaced at no more than 65m, unless agreed with City Lighting prior to design submission.
- The resultant design shall not achieve a lighting outcome that is higher than 1 sub-category above the required lighting sub-category for any span.
- Where minor non-compliances are found, discussion with City Lighting may allow the non-compliances in the lighting design to minimise other potential issues.
- There should be no more than 2 poles located adjacent to the one property street frontage up to 4m past each of the property boundary locations
- ‘V’ category lighting designed for installation in ‘P’ category road where required at the intersections of ‘V’ and P category roads is to be mounted no higher than 7.5m
- Lighting not to be spaced at S/2 or less, unless otherwise unavoidable.
- AS/NZS 4282 compliance to be submitted.
Designs with tight bends
This diagram is included to assist designers in interpreting the text in the Council City Plan 2014 for tight bends which can also be applied to intersections for 'P' category roads.
- This still requires that the spans are calculated to show that the minimum required LTPs are still met.
- The span is light to light, not just the curve itself, this is to ensure that the entire curve is compliant and that each span also remains compliant as required by AS/|NZS 1158.3.1. This may require multiple calculation areas if the curve is greater than one span.

Designs including LATM devices
This diagram shows requirements for a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) device where the kerb itself is modified, and the preferred location of the luminaire in this instance.
- Note the pole setback from the projected kerb.
- Other factors and requirements are to be taken into account when placing the pole.

- If the area is not classified as an LATM device, it is preferred that a luminaire is installed at the location indicated and located at the standard setback from the projected kerb line.
Council owned and/or maintained lighting projects
Council owned and/or maintained lighting projects
The following guidance is provided for Pedestrian, Parks and Metered lighting installations:
- Council standard drawings are to be complied with, except where specifically instructed.
- Council, Department of Transport and Main Roads or Energex standard equipment to be used, as applicable. Discuss with City Lighting early in the design process to minimise the possibility of redesign work.
- 0° upcast shall be used on all designs. Where it is found that a 5° upcast will reduce the number of columns and luminaires required this is to be discussed and agreed with City Lighting prior to design submission.
- All pole mounted luminaires shall be fitted with a 7 pin NEMA receptacle and 3 pin NEMA PE Cell or blanking cap as applicable to the design.
- For Council owned and/or maintained installations Earth Fault Loop requirements shall be met before the inclusion of the RCD/RCBO in the design.
- All electrical calculations are to be submitted with the design, including voltage drop and fault loop calculations. Sufficient information is to be provided to allow for the calculations to be checked. Fault Loop Impedance calculations are to include all components including the transformer and all downstream components. Calculations shall be provided for each metallic enclosure, switchboard, pole, luminaire, etc. The calculation to the last pole/luminaire on each circuit is sufficient.
- All cabling is to be a minimum of 16mm2 with reticulated earth where required unless agreed otherwise with City Lighting.
- There should be no more than 2 poles located adjacent to the one property street frontage up to 4m past each of the property boundary locations.
- Designs are to include schedules for luminaires, conduits, and cables.
- Schedules should closely resemble those in Energy Queensland Limited (EQL) designs and be included in design documentation. These will be slightly different unless specific EQL-approved items are to be used.
- Site IDs are to be included on the design drawings. Site IDs are available from City Lighting for metered, solar, and unmetered Tariff 91 installations.
- Lighting not to be spaced at S/2 or less, unless otherwise unavoidable.
- For DA specified ‘Pedestrian Lighting’ the Council City Signature poles and iGuzzini V949 BCC Special 9W luminaires are to be used.
- Designs shall show that the vertical calculation points at curves or corners in a pathway continue to be provided with compliant lighting levels.
- City Lighting is to be contacted to undertake an inspection of the installation prior to the installation being given ‘On Maintenance’ status. City Lighting will then provide an email that the DA condition is satisfied for the ‘On Maintenance’ requirement. When contacting City Lighting for this requirement supply the following documentation:
- As Built Drawings.
- Electrical Test results for the installation. The results for EFLI shall show compliance for EFLI for the size and type of the protective device not allowing for the RCBO/RCD.
- The design shall be compliant with AS/NZS 3000.
- AS/NZS 4282 compliance to be submitted.
Tree/vegetation near lighting requirements in Council City Plan 2014
Lighting consultants must be aware of City Plan requirements regarding trees and vegetation near lights.
Refer to City Plan 2014 Schedule 6, SC6.16, Chapter 3 Clause e. text included below.
- Unless specified otherwise in this chapter, the design and installation of pedestrian lighting meet the following requirements:
"e. to be located below the tree canopy of existing trees or sufficiently separated from existing or proposed vegetation so the vegetation does not obstruct light reaching the area intended to be illuminated. Council's preference is to have a clear trunk of a minimum height of 3m at maturity where located within 7m of a pedestrian light.”
On and off maintenance requirements
These requirements are only applicable where Council is the owner/maintainer of the installation such as pedestrian lighting.
On maintenance
The developer must contact Council’s City Lighting team to arrange a commissioning/on maintenance date for the lighting/electrical after the defects and non-compliance issues identified in the pre-commissioning audit report have been rectified.
Prior to the pre-commissioning audit, the developer is to supply the ‘As Built’ drawings, electrical test certificates, installation certification, etc.
Final inspection/compliance inspection shall be carried out by an appointed Council’s Electrical Compliance Officer and/or a Council Development Assessment engineer. If satisfactory, Practical Completion will be granted which will initiate the defects liability period.
Off maintenance
The developer shall contact Council to arrange an off-maintenance inspection. Any defects identified shall be rectified at no cost to Council.
Under awning and temporary lighting designs
Under awning and temporary lighting designs
Under awning lighting designs
The following guidance is provided for under awning lighting designs:
- Lighting is to be designed in accordance with lighting technical parameters (LTP) for lighting category PA1 for footpaths.
- The lighting installed under the awning is to light the area of the footpath under the awning plus an additional 2m toward the kerb to the required lighting sub-category.
- Any remaining area from 2m out from the awning toward the kerb can be lit to the requirements of lighting category PP3.
- Under-awning lighting submissions shall clearly show the point horizontal illuminance values and vertical illuminance values for both directions on separate layouts to allow compliance to be readily assessed. LTP results are to be summarised in a table for each design area.
- Under-awning lighting submissions shall state on the drawings the following:
- The lighting is to be operated from dusk to dawn.
- Lighting is not to be operated by a time clock.
- PE cell control only shall be used.
- Lighting is to be owned and maintained by the building owner.
- Lighting is to be maintained in good working order.
Temporary lighting designs
If a development removes the existing public lighting, the developer must provide temporary lighting until the permanent lighting is reinstalled.
- Temporary lighting designs are to be submitted as per a standard design submission for acceptance.
- Temporary lighting must be accepted by City Lighting and installed prior to the removal of any existing lighting.
- The temporary lighting submission is to be accompanied by the proposed permanent lighting design for installation at the end of the requirement for temporary lighting.
- The proposed permanent lighting is to be installed and operational prior to the decommissioning of the temporary lighting.
- Temporary lighting is to be installed to any publicly accessible area where the existing lighting is to be removed for any period of time.
In addition, the following items could be applicable:
- If external temporary lighting is used, glare to motorists and residents must be considered.
- Flood lights are not acceptable for road lighting.
- Noise produced by any generators used must be considered.
- Temporary solar lighting must have a 5 day autonomy (days without generation).
- Existing public lighting cannot be energised by the development site's power.
- Confirm the timing/dates of Energex/accredited contractor will be carrying out the works.
Concept designs
Concept designs
Where concept designs are presented to Council to show a preferred layout or non-compliances to the above requirements, it is expected that sufficient information accompanies the concept design to allow for the design to be reviewed. This would include:
- All essential details required to undertake a design to prove compliance, these are not required to be scheduled.
- Show non-compliant and alternatively compliant concept designs and reasoning behind the proposed non-standard arrangement proposed.
Design submission documentation
Design submission documentation
For design submissions presented to Council, all documentation required by AS/NZS 1158 shall accompany the design to allow for the design to be reviewed. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Information must be legible and must show calculations in full.
- Spacing calculations.
- Identification of illuminance design areas.
- Show LORs on the drawing.
- Show the spacing of luminaires on the design drawings.
- Include all required compliance information as per AS/NZS 1158 and AS/NZS 4282.
- Submit non-compliant and alternatively compliant concept designs:
- Proposed luminaire's wattage is higher than expected.
- Show the difference between 0° tilt to a 5° tilt if this minimises the number of luminaires, the wattage of luminaires, or the mounting height.
- Schedules as set out by Energex. For any Council owned and maintained lighting similar schedules are to be submitted.
- Luminaire reference or station number to enable review.
- Curve radius/radii shown, adjustment spacing calculations provided.
- Submissions to include the PDFs and illuminance design files to be submitted.
- Single line diagrams.
- Switchboard details.
- Show Energex points of supply.
- Show location of main switchboard.
Any non-compliance or defect not already agreed with City Lighting in the design will result in the design being returned to the consultant for rectification and a re-assessment. Fee will be applied. These issues include but are not limited to:
- Calculations showing incorrect design or incorrect design files used or luminaire design files not compatible with nominated poles.
- Incorrect calculations provided - wrong i-table, incorrect parameters used.
- Not including obtrusive lighting results.
- Over-lighting, where smaller luminaires and or less luminaires are able to achieve the required outcome.
- Excessive amounts of spill light, non-compliant with AS/NZS 4282.
- Electrical design non-compliant with AS/NZS 3000.
Where the above are not achievable the design consultant shall discuss the issues with City Lighting and agreement reached on the preferred solution.
The revision submitted to Council for acceptance, shall be the same version submitted to Energex, and the same version that is constructed.
Any changes or amendments to the design after acceptance shall be resubmitted to City Lighting to allow for the changes to be reviewed and commented on if required, prior to construction.
Submission checklist for lighting consultants
Submission checklist for lighting consultants
To assist lighting consultants with their designs for submission to Council, the below checklist is provided:
- Street-lighting design parameters requested from Council’s City Lighting.
- Site visit undertaken.
- Development name.
- Development stage.
- Street names.
- Suburb.
- Development approval conditions.
- Design drawings.
- Roads, pathways, parks, development boundary, etc. clearly indicated.
- Development application number on drawings.
- Locality plan.
- For the first stage of a multi-stage development, an overall concept plan showing the stages and the extent of the road network is provided. As the development progresses and if changes are made to the overall layout, then an amended copy should be subsequently submitted to Council.
- Show electricity poles/conduits/cables/pillars/transformers etc. (existing or proposed) as required by Energex.
- Show streetlights (existing or proposed) using Energex standard symbols.
- Complete standard street light schedule, including suburb name in location field.
- Show all kerb and channels, roundabouts, traffic islands, median strips, local area traffic management devices, etc. to be constructed as part of the development, internal or external.
- Where Council is the asset owner electrical calculations are to be provided in full with the results.
- Complete compliance documentation as required by the relevant part of AS/NZS 1158, including calculations, and computer model simulation results of lighting levels for all designs. Including the following:
- Spacing calculations (cat V and cat P roads)
- Identification of illuminance design areas
- Calculations results for illuminance design areas (includes surrounds for V category roads)
- Provide luminance spacing calculations
- Show the distance between luminaires on the design drawings
- Include all required compliance information as per AS/NZS 1158
- Include all required compliance information as per AS/NZS 4282
- Curve Radius/Radii shown, adjustment spacing calculations provided
- Illuminance design files to be submitted.
- Design results showing lower wattage luminaires provide a non-compliant outcome.
- Contours showing average, minimum, etc lighting contours as applicable. Additional contours may be included.
- Submit with the application complete compliance documentation as required by the relevant part of AS/NZS 4282, including calculations, and computer model simulation results of lighting levels.
- Include information showing that lower wattage luminaries provided non-compliant outcomes.
Design standards and specifications
Design standards and specifications
The following list includes the relevant documents related to lighting and electrical design.
Standard | Description |
BCC City Plan | Brisbane City Council, Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) |
AS/NZS 1158.0 | Lighting for roads and public spaces Part 0 |
AS/NZS 1158.1.1 | Lighting for roads and public spaces Part 1.1- Vehicular traffic (Category V) lighting - Performance and design requirements |
AS/NZS 1158.1.2 | Lighting for roads and public spaces Part 1.2: Vehicular traffic (Category V) lighting– Guide to design, installation, operation and maintenance |
AS/NZS 1158.3.1 | Lighting for roads and public spaces Part 3.1: Pedestrian area (Category P) lighting – Performance and design requirements |
AS/NZS 1158.4 | Lighting for roads and public spaces Part 4: Lighting for roads and public spaces - Lighting of pedestrian crossings |
AS/NZS 1158.5 | Lighting for roads and public spaces Part 5: Lighting for roads and public spaces – Tunnels and underpasses |
SA/SNZ TS 1158.6 | Lighting for roads and public spaces - Luminaires – Performance |
AS/NZS 4282 | Control of the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting |
IES TM-21-11 | Projecting Long Term Lumen Maintenance of LED Light Sources |
IES LM-79-08 | IESNA Approved Method for the Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid- State Lighting Products |
IES LM-80-15 | IESNA Approved Method for Measuring Lumen Maintenance of LED Light Sources |
IES LM-84-14 | Measuring luminous flux and colour maintenance of LED lamps, lighting engines and luminaires |
IES TM-28-14 | Projecting Long-Term luminous flux Maintenance of LED lamps and luminaires |
IEC 61347-2-13 | Particular requirements for D.C. or A.C. supplied electronic control gear for LED modules |
IEC 61547 | Equipment for general lighting purposes - EMC immunity requirements |
IEC 62386 | Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) standard |
AS/NZS 60598.1 | Luminaires - General requirements and tests |
AS/NZS 60598.2.3 | Luminaire Particular Requirements – Luminaires for road and street lighting |
AS CISPR 15 | Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment |
IEC 61643-11 | Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 11: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power systems - Requirements and test methods |
ANSI C136.2 | American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment – Dielectric Withstand and Electrical Transient Immunity Requirements |
ANSI C136.41 | Dimming Receptacles |
RoHS 2 (2011/65/EU) | Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances |
AS/NZS 3000 | Wiring Rules |
AS/NZS 3008.1.1 | Electrical installations – selection of Cables for alternating voltages up to and including 0.6/1kV – Typical Australian installation conditions. |
AS/NZS 3017 | Electrical installations – Verification guidelines |
AS/NZS 3100 | Approval and test specification - General requirements for electrical equipment |
AS/NZS 61439 series | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies |
QECM | Queensland Electricity Connection Manual |
QEMM | Queensland Electricity Metering Manual |
Energex Standards | All relevant Energex Standards and Standard Equipment |