Park Road, Milton Village Precinct Project

Brisbane City Council has completed the $540,000 streetscape improvement project at the Park Road, Milton precinct. Council worked with the local community to revitalise the precinct, delivering a more attractive, comfortable, and connected centre for locals and visitors to use and enjoy.
This is part of the Village Precinct Projects program (VPP) and Council’s commitment to create a city of vibrant neighbourhoods.
Community engagement
Council consulted and involved the local community in the planning of the Park Road, Milton precinct improvements. The community feedback supported a refresh of the existing street furniture along Park Road and the creation of a streetscape plaza at the corner of Gordon Street and Park Road, to visually and physically open-up the park to the street frontage.
Saturday morning at Park Road event
To celebrate the project's completion, Council hosted a community celebration at Adam Smiddy Park and plaza. The local community, Mater Smiling for Smiddy community, businesses and visitors to the precinct enjoyed live music and singing, face painting and giant lawn games in the park. The community were encouraged to explore the precinct and enjoy special offers provided by the local eating, boutique retail and entertainment venues in this lively neighbourhood precinct.
Delivered improvements
Improvements include:
- a refresh of Park Road street furniture
- a revitalisation of Adam Smiddy Park streetscape plaza, including:
- concrete platforms with integrated lighting and a contemporary tribute to Adam Smiddy
- new street furniture, including water drinking fountain and multi-bike rack
- new streetscape garden beds and shade trees
- power supply installed within an existing garden bed to enable future activation within the plaza
- new pavement to street corner plaza and along Gordon Street frontage to align with existing internal park pathway
- relocated and upgraded park signage incorporating updated park history (installed at Gordon Street frontage)
- replacement of existing kerb ramp and tactile ground surface indicators (TGSIs) at the corner of Park Road and Gordon Street.
Timelapse video
Watch our timelapse video. You can also watch this video on Council's YouTube channel.
Image gallery
More information
For more information on the Park Road, Milton Village Precinct Project you can:
- phone the project team on 07 3403 8888
- email the project team.
Find out more about the VPP program and recently delivered public space improvements by visiting the Village Precinct Projects page.