Brisbane Green Buildings Incentive Policy

Brisbane City Council recognises the benefits of well-designed, green and energy efficient buildings, which include positive impacts to the environment, economy and the health and wellbeing of our community.

To encourage the design of greener and more energy efficient buildings across Brisbane, Council introduced the Brisbane Green Buildings Incentive Policy, aligning with our vision of a world class, design-led city

Under the incentive, Council will provide a financial payment of up to 50% of infrastructure charges paid for Council networks to buildings that meet criteria and eligibility requirements detailed below.

Applications for the Brisbane Green Buildings Incentive Policy closed on 31 December 2024.

The incentive demonstrates Council’s commitment to the Brisbane’s Future Blueprintlong‑term goal of ensuring best practice design that complements the character of Brisbane.

Download the:


The incentive is available for both residential and commercial office buildings that have a development application approved between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2022. Specific requirements for each building type are set out in the table below.

Applications for the incentive can be made following construction/commencement of use of the building, as the design-based criteria are certified based on the ‘as built’ stage.

A mixed-use building will be deemed eligible under the residential criteria if a component of the building is for residential purposes.

A mixed-use building will be deemed eligible under the commercial criteria if the eligible commercial use makes up the majority of the building.

Applicants should review the:

Applicants should also download the assessment methodology Council will use to assess applications:

Eligible developments need to:

  • have a development application approved between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2022 - this may also include a change application where at the time the change application is approved by Council, the construction for the development has not commenced
  • lodge a request for the incentive between 1 July 2022 and 31 December 2024 
  • pay or otherwise satisfy the levied charge for the project 
  • have a development approval in place under the Planning Act 2016 where an infrastructure charges notice has been given
  • be a minimum of three storeys in height 
  • have no development offences committed in relation to the development under the Planning Act 2016.

In addition:

  • Residential buildings must meet one of the below criteria. 
  • Commercial office buildings must achieve criteria three, four, and five
  • Where a sufficient level of compliance has been achieved, a combination of the below may be considered at Council’s discretion in extenuating circumstances.
CriteriaOverviewSupporting information

Criteria 1

5-star Green star rating from the Green Building Council Australia

A minimum of 5-star rating is to be achieved using the “as built” certification.

While there are other rating tools, such as “communities”, “interiors” and “performance”, applicants will need to be certified “as built” 5-star. 

Visit the Green Building Council Australia website.

Criteria 2

UDIA Envirodevelopment six leaf certification

For residential developments three to 15 storeys in height. Visit the Envirodevelopment website.

Criteria 3

Compliance with the Buildings that Breathe Design Guide

For buildings:

  • three to seven storeys, the project must comply with 15 sub-elements
  • eight to 15 storeys, the project must comply with 20 sub-elements
  • over 15 storeys, the project must comply with 25 sub-elements.

Criteria 4

Carbon neutral certification

Certification must be achieved against the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Buildings. For commercial uses, the building must have at least the “base Building operation” certification, and residential building must achieve “whole building operation” certification.

While other types of certification are given e.g. for events, organisations and precincts, applicants will need to be certified against the building standard.

Visit the Climate Active website.

Criteria 5

Achieve a minimum green plot ratio

Differences apply across residential vs commercial buildings. View the policy document for more information. 

Review the:

Additional considerations for change applications

A change application may also be eligible for the Brisbane Green Buildings Incentive Policy if construction for the development has not commenced at the time the change application is approved.

Construction will be considered to have commenced if actions or activities have occurred specifically to carry out the approved development. Examples include earthworks to dig a basement in accordance with an approval, establishment of footings and foundations, materials, equipment and structures on site for the purpose of the development.

Site preparation activities such as clearing and demolition works associated with ceasing the existing use of the premises (i.e. works that could typically be carried out without reliance on development approval or change application) may occur without making the development ineligible for the Brisbane Green Buildings Incentive Policy.

More information

For more information:

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