Design-led City - a design strategy for Brisbane

Developing a design strategy is one of the ways Brisbane City Council is carefully planning for a growing city, and is a key action from Brisbane's Future Blueprint. The design strategy will ensure that as Brisbane grows, we, and future generations, can enjoy Brisbane's beautiful climate and connect with family and friends in places that make our city great.
The strategy establishes a vision for becoming a design-led city and establishes a set of design values that can apply to all aspects of the built environment. Design priorities are identified as well as key actions for delivery.
- Design-led City - a design strategy for Brisbane (PDF - 3.6Mb)
- Design-led City - a design strategy for Brisbane (Word - 329kb)
Design strategy implementation
Design-led City - a design strategy for Brisbane outlines Council's commitment to ensuring quality design that reflects Brisbane's character and identity, and is delivered across all elements of the built environment.
Key actions include:
- Delivery demonstration and pilot projects that test creative ideas and different placemaking outcomes.
- Establish an online portal as a one-stop-shop for design guidance, best practice and design-led processes.
- Celebrate design and placemaking by establishing a design awards program.
Delivery of these actions will be a collaborative effort from Council, industry and the community.
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More information
For more information you can:
- email the project team
- contact Council
- write to:
Design Brisbane
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane Qld 4001.