Design outcomes: Liveability and function

Quality-designed housing meets the needs of residents and allows households to enjoy Brisbane’s unique lifestyle. Central to this is supporting indoor-outdoor living, active travel, community interaction opportunities and housing that supports all abilities and ages.
Quality residential developments are liveable and functional by incorporating:
- connections to open space, pedestrian and cycle paths, local centres and public transport
- easily accessible, secure and undercover bicycle storage areas
- universal design features to support people of all abilities, such as those referenced in the Liveable Housing Design Guidelines
- centrally located communal outdoor areas with shade structures that can accommodate a variety of uses
- well-proportioned private outdoor areas that seamlessly connect to indoor living spaces
- shared services such as car share spaces, a bench seat at the letter box or exercise and play equipment that encourage community interactions
- building entrances that provide shelter from weather elements and are easily accessible form the street. For more information, refer to the Crime prevention through environmental design planning scheme policy
- driveways and parking areas are designed as low-speed communal spaces that consider the needs of pedestrians and children. For more information, refer to the Transport, access, parking and servicing planning scheme policy
- durable materials that age well in Brisbane’s climate
- adaptable layouts to allow for flexibility and to meet changing household needs.