Design process: The site and the building

No two sites are identical, and consideration should be given to the bulk, scale and orientation of development. A site-specific designed development considers and responds to opportunities and constraints unique to each site. Development should be designed in response to the features of the site, while incorporating considerations for the street and neighbourhood.
The design of the building affects occupants, how they use their living spaces, and their ability to enjoy Brisbane's climate and relaxed lifestyle. The layout should be functional and designed with the end user in mind. The design of new development should consider how the building and landscaping can best suit current and future occupants and positively contribute to its surroundings.
Design considerations
- Can the existing significant vegetation be maintained and incorporated into the development?
- Are the site levels and entrances located to facilitate safe and equitable access to the development?
- Does the site have access to all required services and utilities, such as telecommunications, electricity, water and sewer?
- Does the design suitably address overshadowing, noise and privacy impacts to and from surrounding sites?
- Do the buildings and landscaping respond to overland water flows and use water sensitive urban design approaches?
- Have places of heritage or cultural significance been identified and integrated into the design?
- Do materials, finishes, roof form and details reflect and enhance the identity of the street and neighbourhood?
- Has the building been designed to enable cross-ventilation, reduce reliance on artificial heating and cooling, and promote indoor-outdoor use in each dwelling?
- Is the internal layout designed with the end user and purpose in mind?
- Are the entrances clear, protected and visible from the street or common area, and do they help provide identity to the dwelling?
- Are the windows and outdoor spaces located to minimise overlooking and overshadowing on adjoining sites but maximise overlooking onto public streets and communal areas for safety? For more information, refer to Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Planning Scheme Policy
- Does the building form transition complement existing or planned adjoining built form?
- Has the building been designed to allow for adaptive re-use in the long term?