Park bookings and consents

Most of our 2180 parks are available for residents and visitors to enjoy and use, where facilities and open spaces can be shared with other park visitors. 

You generally don’t need Council approval to use a park, unless you will be:

Find a bookable park site

A number of Brisbane's parks have designated sites that you can book for exclusive use for your private event. Use our map to search for park site location.

The park you want to use not shown on the map? This means that the park cannot be reserved for exclusive use and must be shared with other park users. Still want to use that park? If your activity needs consent you can still apply to use the park.

Park booking sites map

Booking a park for a private event

You need to apply to book a park site for exclusive use of the space for a private event.

Booking a designated site suits formal gatherings such as weddings, birthday parties and other large private functions. It will give you exclusive access to the site for the booked time.

A fee applies to book a site. Other fees may also apply, depending on the planned activity.

Booking conditions:

  • designated park sites are generally available for booking between 7am-7pm daily
  • the minimum booking length is two hours
  • bookings only apply to the site you choose, including any facilities available within that site (e.g. a rotunda or power)
  • the use of power, where available, will be an additional fee
  • you cannot book barbecues, shelters or playgrounds as these must be shared with other park visitors.

Other park activities requiring consent

Council regulates activities on public land under the Public Land and Council Assets Local Law 2014.

Under the local law, you need consent to carry out specific activities in Council parks as Council needs to understand if the activity is right for the space.

Park activities

You need to apply for permission to use a park for:

  • commercial activities
  • use of Council electricity or other utility
  • activities involving animals, other than domestic pets
  • distributing or handing out any notices, literature or promotional materials
  • affixing or posting any bills or placards
  • use of any temporary structures covering more than 15 square metres (you cannot use pegs to secure structures - they must be safely weighted down instead)
  • activities that may impact the park, park users or neighbouring properties
  • activities or events involving 500 or more attendees
  • vehicle to access into a park for event set up / pack down (depending on site and subject to Council discretion).

Some common activities in parks that need permission include:

  • slacklining
  • parties with jumping castles
  • fundraising or promotional activities or events
  • fun runs, cross country and orienteering events
  • recreation equipment hires, lessons and tours
  • social and community welfare outreach services
  • personal training and other health, well-being and life skills classes
  • metal detecting involving digging up or disturbing soil to remove targets.
Commercial activities

You need permission to carry out a commercial activity in a Council park. This includes activities conducted by a community or not-for-profit organisation for fundraising purposes. 

A park activity is considered commercial if it:

  • involves the exchange of goods or services for a fee or other consideration
  • is undertaken for the purposes of advertisement, promotion or furtherance of business.
Common commercial activities include:
  • busking
  • coffee and food vendors
  • dog obedience training
  • events with goods and services for sale, such as markets, fetes and fairs
  • filming and photography for commercial purposes, including student activities
  • fundraising or promotional activities or events
  • fun runs, cross country, orienteering and other sport, recreation and leisure activities and events for paying participants
  • personal training and other health, well-being and life skills classes
  • recreation equipment hire, lessons and tours
  • ticketed events (concerts, festivals and outdoor movies).

Learn more about commercial activities in a park

How to apply

If you have applied for a different permit that includes the use of a park, you do not need to also complete a park consent application. The other permit will include consent to use the park.

Select your park

See what facilities are available for your planned activity:

Check the fees

Depending on your planned use of the park, there may be fees or security bonds that may apply. You will be invoiced for any applicable fees.

Prepare your application

Map of park area

  • Provide a marked-up map or aerial photo showing the park area you plan to use. You can use Council’s interactive mapping or other online mapping tools to create your map, or mark-up a hard copy map by hand.
  • Show on the map where you intend to set up any temporary structures, or where you will access the site using a vehicle for any set up.

Supporting documents

You may need to include supporting documents with your application. If the documents are not ready when you are applying, they will need to be provided as soon as possible to the Council officer assessing your application.

Examples of supporting documents

Depending on your plans and whether you will be hiring businesses or suppliers, you may need to provide copies of permits or licences:

  • a liquor licence from Queensland Government if you are providing or selling alcohol
  • a temporary food stall licence if you have businesses providing food
  • public liability insurance certificate of currency of up to $20 million, for any vehicle used to access the site, and for any operators or suppliers of temporary structures (jumping castles, marquees, rides, animal activities such as petting zoos, stages, grandstands etc)
  • proof that large structures are structurally sound, such as engineering certifications for large marquees, or plant registrations for rides.

Apply at least 5 business days before your private event or activity

Complete our online form to book a park. For commercial activities, visit our commercial activity in a park page.

Once submitted, we will assess your application and get back to you within 5 business days.

Apply online

More information

For more information about activities in parks that require consent, download our guidelines for using Council parks:

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.