Breakfast Creek boat moorings

Council’s Breakfast Creek boat moorings have strong historical links with Breakfast Creek's boat-builders and the unique wooden Moreton Bay Cruisers, which are a significant part of Brisbane’s maritime history.

These moorings are intended to be used for long-term storage and occasional landing on the silt bank by vessels for repairs or renovations.

The soft silt banks of Breakfast Creek allow access for repairs to wooden vessels at low tide without having to slip them.

Vessel owners use the moorings at their own risk. Council gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the adequacy or safety of the mooring, berthing facility or anchorage.

Mooring facilities

Council has 42 pile moorings at Breakfast Creek, 16 mid-stream and 26 river-bank. 

There are no designated toilet, shower or laundry facilities at the Breakfast Creek moorings. 

Bookings and availability

Mooring spots cannot be booked at Breakfast Creek. A vacant mooring is indicated by no lines tied between piles. If a vessel is temporarily absent from the moorings, it is necessary to reserve its place by tying a rope with centre float(s) between the piles.

The 16 mid-stream berths are usually close to 100% occupied at Breakfast Creek, although the tidal berths on the banks usually have vacancies.

Mooring applications

To obtain consent to moor your vessel at this harbour, downlaod and complete the Casual Mooring Permit form (Word - 111kb), and either:

  • take the completed application during business hours to:
    Brisbane City Council
    Library and Customer Centre
    266 George Street (Brisbane Square)
    Brisbane City Qld 4000.
  • email the completed application to

You will need to present the following documentation with your application:

  • ship master’s or recreational boat operator’s licence
  • photo identification (if not incorporated in the licence above)
  • vessel registration certificate (where registration required by law)
  • Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance of at least $10 million AUD.

Mooring fees

If your application is approved, mooring fees are payable by way of Council invoice, with payment options listed.

Fees for mooring at Breakfast Creek are currently $161.15 per month and must be paid in advance at all times. Limited dinghy storage is available for an additional $7.27 per month.

Tidal flows

The Brisbane River and major tributaries such as Breakfast Creek have an ocean tidal flow of (normally) up to 2 metres every 11.5 hours.  Breakfast Creek can have a current flow of up to 4 knots.

Please note that mooring fore and aft can be challenging in anything but a slack tide.

Height limitation

The Breakfast Creek moorings are upstream of the Breakfast Creek Bridge near Newstead House. According to the Beacon to Beacon Guide published by Maritime Safety Queensland, minimum clearance at the Breakfast Creek Bridge  is 2.8 metres at the highest possible tide, and less during  flood events.

More information

For more information about Council’s boat mooring facilities, phone Council on 07 3403 8888.

Last updated:
Topics: boating

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