Temporary lane or road closure

To temporarily close any part of a Brisbane City Council road including parking bays, you are required to obtain a temporary road closure certificate from Council. Any activity likely to impact the operation of the road network or traffic flow including any off-road activity that affects the flow of traffic will require a certificate.

When you need a certificate

Examples of activities requiring a temporary road closure certificate include:

  • road maintenance, such as re-surfacing or line-marking
  • lane closures around a building site
  • moving cranes or other equipment in or out of a building site
  • placing a barricade on the road
  • grass cutting along the median strip, requiring the road shoulder or a lane to be closed
  • lane closure to trim trees
  • hanging a banner over the road
  • festivals, events, markets and filming that affect the road network.

There are separate applications for filming purposes where the road network is affected. Council's Festival and Event or Filming Liaison Office will coordinate Council’s assessment, including any proposed road closure.


The fees associated with a temporary lane or road closure include the non-refundable application fee of $312.90 (excluding GST). There may be additional costs associated with:

  • installation/amendment or removal of parking signs
  • closure of any metered parking space on days when the meter would normally operate
  • administration or project management fees associated with metered parking space closure.

Quotes for kerbside allocation signage changes will be obtained and agreed with an applicant, before the temporary road closure application and associated traffic management plan (TMP) are approved.

Email On-Street Parking Services for further information in relation to paid parking costs.

Fees will be invoiced within 10 days of the road/lane closure start date and payment must be made within 30 days from the date of the invoice.

Application types and time frame

There are two application types for temporary lane/road closure, each application approval has a specific processing time frame. You must lodge your application with at least the minimum time frame in advance of your proposed lane/road closure.

Table provides information on the two application types for temporary lane/road closures and their processing timeframes.
ApplicationsSubmission timeframe

Special event road closure applications:

  • wholly or partly conducted on a roadway
  • may require multiple agency involvement
  • requires special traffic management arrangements
  • usually involves a large number of participants and/or spectators
The application must be submitted to Council a minimum of six weeks before the works are planned to occur.
All other temporary road closure applicationsThe application must be submitted to Council a minimum of 20 working days before the works are planned to occur.

How to apply

Use the following steps to apply for a temporary road closure certificate.

1. Supporting documents

Prepare the necessary supporting documents and attachments required for your online application (as Word, PDF or JPG files). This may include:

  • Traffic management plan for temporary lane/road closure (required)
  • copy of development assessment approval (if applicable)
  • for special events:
    • a map indicating the location of proposed stalls/structures to be placed on the road way
    • Certificate of currency for public liability insurance at a minimum of $20 million indemnifying Council for all claims for personal injury and damage to property arising out of the event
    • List of all roads in the order they will be travelled (for events such as a fun run, cycle event or procession).

2. Application form

Complete the online application for temporary road occupation form and upload your supporting documents. 

The form is for the assessment of traffic impacts only. Any temporary occupancy of a roadway, footway, or bikeway must fully comply with:

  • Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Road Rules) Regulation 2019
  • AS1742.3-2009: Traffic Control for Works on Roads - Standards Australia
  • Queensland Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (QGTTM).

3.  Application assessment and approval conditions

A certificate of assessment will be issued once the application has been approved.

The certificate cannot be issued unless all questions on the application form have been answered accurately and a traffic guidance scheme attached.

Failure to submit a completed application, or any of the mandatory information and attachments, will result in delays in processing the application.

Approved certificates are valid for a maximum of one month. If closures are required for longer than one month, then a renewal application must be submitted quoting the current certificate number.

For both new and renewal applications, the completed application form must be submitted to Council with a minimum of 20 full business days prior to the requested closure date. The 20 full business days commences on receipt of all required information. Ensure you allow sufficient time for alterations to your initial application prior to the proposed closures.

It is important that you read and understand the conditions in your certificate.

All closures must be carried out in accordance with the Queensland Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (QGTTM).

Access for businesses, residents, cyclists and pedestrians are to be maintained at all times during closures. If access cannot be maintained, you must specify alternative arrangements in your application.

4. Contact Queensland Police Service

Under section 96 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management  Act), only the Queensland Police Service (QPS) has the authority to order the closure of any road temporarily. QPS will only issue a permit if the local government authority has issued their approval. You must apply to QPS and/or other relevant authorities prior to closures commencing:

  • Metro North Police - 07 3354 5137
  • Metro South Police - 07 3364 3131
  • Department of Transport and Main Roads - 07 3137 8363.

The Brisbane Metropolitan Traffic Management Centre must be contacted in the event that closures do not proceed as per the conditions of your approved certificate. This centre can be contacted 24 hours a day every day on 07 3292 6095.

Other approvals

An application/notice to work on Council property will also be required if your proposal includes:

  • any excavation work
  • occupation of the footpath.

If your application is related to closures associated with a development application (DA), the DA approval reference number must be included with the application.

All applications for construction works outside of construction hours (6.30am-6pm) must have Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EPA) approval prior to your application for lane/road closure. For further information, contact Council on 07 3403 8888 and ask to speak with the Development Assessment team for your region.

A work zone is a designated section of road use for the purpose of loading and unloading equipment at a construction site. It is also known as a construction loading zone. 

More information

For more information about how to apply for a lane or road closure, phone Council on 07 3403 8888 or email the Road Corridor Permits team.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.