Access personal support services after a disaster and find ways to get involved in disaster recovery in your community.

You don’t have to recover from a disaster alone. There is support you can turn to as you take disaster recovery steps. You can also be part of Brisbane’s recovery effort by volunteering your time or donating to help communities in need.

Recovery support following ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Temporary waste bin sites

Free green waste drop off

Updates to Council services

Financial assistance

Community clean-up payment 

Following the recent severe weather event, community organisations may require immediate support to make their facilities safe, clean-up, conduct minor repairs and return to operations. 

To support this relief phase of disaster recovery, Council will provide a one-off $7,500 payment to not-for-profit community organisations who have been impacted.  

To be eligible for the Community Clean-Up Payment, not-for-profit community organisations must: 

  1. Be operating from or located within a Brisbane City Council leased or licensed community facility;
  2. Have been impacted by the recent severe weather event;
  3. Have completed the ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred damage survey.

The ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred damage survey has been sent to Council’s community lessees on 10 March 2025. 

To be considered for the $7,500 Community Clean-Up Payment, please complete the survey when you have assessed your organisations site.

Please ensure to record photographs of weather damage.

Once assessed, approved organisations will be contacted directly regarding payment.

For more information, you can contact Council’s Community Facilities Operations Team by phoning 07 3403 8888 or emailing Council.

Queensland Government personal hardship financial assistance 

Personal hardship financial assistance is available for people in the Brisbane Local Government Area impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

Learn more on the Queensland Government website.

Waste services

Temporary waste bins 

Council has opened more than 190 temporary waste bin sites for residents in Brisbane in areas where regular kerbside waste collections have been impacted by severe weather.   

The temporary bins will accept any excess household waste from those impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred. Temporary waste bins are for Brisbane residents only and for household quantities of waste. 

Green waste drop-off 

Council has also opened 7 temporary green waste drop-off sites, which are available to residents 7am to 5pm daily. Locations include:

  • Bill Brown Sports Reserve, Telegraph Road, Bracken Ridge    
  • Pinnaroo Cemetery, Graham Road, Bridgeman Downs      
  • Karawatha Forest, 149 Acacia Road, Karawatha   
  • Mortimer Road Park, Acacia Ridge                      
  • Sleeman Sports Complex Carpark 1, Chandler
  • Whites Hill Reserve, off Boundary Road, Camp Hill 
  • Mt Coot-tha carpark, Sir Samuel Griffith Drive .
Flood-affected household waste 

Brisbane City Council’s special kerbside collections of household waste will commence in flood-affected streets on Monday 17 March.

If your home was flooded you will receive this special service. Please ensure your items are out on the kerb for collection by the end of day, Sunday 16 March.

What can you dispose of? 

Impacted residents with damaged household items, such as furniture, clothing and linen, toys, and water-damaged equipment, should place their items on their kerb by the end of the day, Sunday 16 March. Help your family, friends, and neighbours where you can.

Please note this collection is only for households with household items that were damaged by flooding as a result of this weather event. Council’s regular large item collection service will resume soon, including those suburbs that have been missed due to the recent severe weather. Please check Council’s calendar and stay up to date via our website.

Council will not remove any hazardous waste such as paint, batteries, garden and pool chemicals. Do not place these items on the kerb. Please discard of hazardous waste safely at Council’s resource recovery centres.

Council will not remove any asbestos. Residents are required to contact a licensed contractor for asbestos removal and disposal.

Other waste items


Volunteer after a disaster 

Help make a difference to the community’s recovery from natural disasters by volunteering. Volunteers lend their time and expertise to help speed up the recovery process.

Volunteering Queensland coordinates registration for volunteer clean-ups in communities affected by floods and other emergencies.

You can register with Volunteering Queensland as:

  • an individual
  • an organisation
  • a volunteer group.

All volunteers must be registered with the Emergency Volunteering Crew.

Get more information and register for volunteering

Community support

Make a donation 

Donations provide much-needed relief to people recovering from a disaster. Local charities and disaster appeals use donations to: 

  • distribute emergency supplies, including food and medical supplies
  • provide clothing, bedding and furniture to impacted households 
  • fund repairs and rebuilding of infrastructure.
 Charities and groups you can donate to
Red Cross - 1300 554 419
Foodbank - 07 3395 8422
Salvation Army - 13 72 58
Lifeline - 1800 800 768
Support from local suppliers for ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred recovery 

For individuals or businesses offering their services to assist with ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred, email Council with the following information: 

  • contact details including: 
    • name
    • company name
    • mobile number
    • email address
    • address
    • ABN (if available)
    • website (if available).
  • a brief summary of what services are being offered.

Council officers will contact you if your services are required and include you on the list of potential suppliers for the duration of the recovery. 

Recovery for businesses

Floods, bushfires and severe storms can have a serious impact on your business’ finances and property.

Damage from a disaster can force you to close, relocate or need specialist advice during recovery. It's also important for you to check in with your suppliers or customers as impacts to their business could affect you too.

If you were recently impacted ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred, you can complete the Disaster Impact Survey to help the Queensland Government understand the assistance businesses need after a disaster.

Cleaning up after a disaster

Cleaning up and clearing the mess caused by a natural disaster can take time.

Before returning to your business premises, consider whether your actions could impact your:

  • insurance
  • personal safety
  • electrical and power safety
  • gas safety
  • asbestos exposure
  • food safety.

Download the clean-up considerations and safety tips fact sheet for business owners (Word - 98kb).

Dispose of your waste and debris at Council’s resource recovery centres. They accept:

  • general waste
  • hazardous waste
  • green waste
  • recyclable items.

Find a resource recovery centre

Useful contacts

Depending on the impact of the disaster, you may need specific types of support or business advice.

This includes:

  • financial and tax assistance
  • legal aid
  • Australian and Queensland Government support
  • non-government support.

For information on the support you can access, download the support and agency contact information sheet for businesses (Word - 97kb).

The Business Queensland website also has resources to help you rebuild and recover after a disaster.

Locate missing pets or animals

To help reunite pets and their owners, we keep a register of lost and found animals in Brisbane.

Missing family pet or animal

If your family pet is missing after a disaster, you can:

If your pet isn’t listed online, phone Council on 07 3403 8888 to register your details.

Found pet or animal

If you find a lost animal:

  • check for any identification on the pet (e.g. name tag, Council registration tag, RSPCA VIP tag)
  • contact the person or organisation on the tag
  • ask your neighbours if they're missing any pets or know who the animal belongs to
  • report a found pet to Council, the RSPCA or your local vet.
Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.