Dirt and dust complaints

Dust may be considered an environmental nuisance if it causes an unreasonable interference (or likely interference) with an environmental value caused by emissions of particles (including dust) or smoke.

When investigating a dust complaint, Brisbane City Council considers:

  • amount of dust being emitted
  • duration and rate of emission and the dust's characteristics and qualities
  • sensitivity of the environment into which the dust is being emitted and the impact it may have
  • views of any other neighbours or complaints.

Ways you can reduce dust emissions include:

  • consider weather conditions before starting work
  • retain vegetation - even low or small amounts of vegetation can significantly lower wind speed and reduce the amount of dust leaving a site
  • have a work plan
  • use any on-site waste as a dust barrier
  • erect a dust fence
  • water topsoil
  • use products such as hydromulch for large areas.


Find out how to lodge a complaint about an environmental nuisance issue.

Last updated:

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