Engage the public in decisions regarding environmental issues, greenspace, transport enhancement, and housing development decisions.
Susanne, Newstead
Engage the public in decisions regarding environmental issues, greenspace, transport enhancement, and housing development decisions.
Susanne, Newstead
Brisbane belongs to all of us, so every resident can play a role in planning for its future. Making engagement easier will mean busy residents can have their say.
6.1 - Give residents better access to development information and history with a new easy to use website.
6.2 - Create an alert system that makes it easier for residents to stay up to date with development.
6.3 - Convene an annual Intergenerational Planning Forum to hear from the community directly.¹
6.4 - Continue to explore new technology to better engage with residents.
6.5 - Create a specific Character Design Forum for residents to guide the preservation of our city’s Queenslanders and other traditional designs.
Council contracted Brisbane-based firm All About Xpert for the implementation of Development.i., a new, easy-to-use system that has improved residents’ engagement experience. Development.i includes an alert function to keep residents up-to-date and a map-based interface for ease of use. Development.i launched late 2020.
The 2019 Intergenerational Planning Forum was held on 29 May 2019. The intention of the forum was to determine what ‘liveability in Brisbane’ means to residents. The forum included interactive sessions with demographer Bernard Salt, Howard Smith Wharves CEO, Luke Fraser, and Future Anything founder, Nicole Dyson.
The forum generated more than 400 ideas from the attendees about how we can continue to enhance Brisbane’s liveability across the city.
In May 2019 Council trialled Sli.do, a live response/engagement technology tool to capture participant feedback about liveability in Brisbane at the Intergenerational Planning Forum. The forum generated more than 400 ideas from attendees on how we can continue to enhance Brisbane’s liveability.
Customer Services uses an emerging technology, machine learning CX, to conduct deep dive analyses of millions of records of structured and unstructured customer feedback – purely listening to what our customers have already told us. This enables the team to understand the emotions of our customers and how they feel when engaging with Council. This research has identified a unique opportunity for Council to meet the different customer needs and expectations and create value for customers.
Your City Your Say is Council’s 24/7 online engagement hub where residents can have a say on things that affect the community. Council extended its online engagement technology as part of the Move Safe Brisbane – Pedestrian Safety Review. Council’s Transport Planning Operations and Community Engagement Centre of Excellence developed an innovative ‘Move Safe Brisbane consultation map’ to provide residents with an easy way to identify locations where improvements to pedestrian and cyclist safety should be made.
Between 31 July to 28 August 2018, 3544 pedestrian and 2844 cyclist location pins were mapped by the community. Council also utilised Queensland Police Service’s WebCrash data, pedestrian counts and vehicle speed information to assist with the review.
Council’s Move Safe Brisbane – Pedestrian Safety Review won the Local Government category at the Queensland Road Safety Awards in August 2019 and also won the Road Safety category at the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland Awards in October 2019.
Read more about Council’s award winning Move Safe Brisbane – Pedestrian Safety Review.
Your City Your Say is Council’s 24/7 online engagement hub where residents can have a say on things that affect the community. Council extended its online engagement technology as part of the Victoria Park Vision community engagement.
Creating Brisbane’s biggest new park in 50 years means more opportunities to enjoy Brisbane’s subtropical lifestyle and connect with family and friends in the places that make our city great. The community actively shared their ideas and aspirations about the Victoria Park Vision during the eight week “Your Say” phase from 4 August to 29 September 2019. New engagement technology included ‘Visionary Ideas, Stories and Image’ tools allowing the community to easily share their ideas and experiences. There was more than 1200 survey responses, including over 500 ideas generated by members of the public.
Read more about Victoria Park Vision.
Council has prepared Traditional Housing: Alterations and Extensions Design Guide that was informed by the Character Design Forum held in late 2018. The guide is one way Council is protecting Brisbane's unique character as well as ensuring best practice design that complements the character of the city.
Read more about the Character Design Forum and Traditional Housing: Alterations and Extensions Design Guide.