Parking permit conditions

Brisbane City Council's regulated parking permits allow permit holders to park unrestricted on the street in their area, with certain conditions.
It is important to note that while parking permits can help residents and their visitors access on-street parking, they don't guarantee parking availability. There is still the possibility that on-street resident and visitor parking will exceed the available number of spaces.
Permit holders:
- are exempt from area-wide parking restrictions when parking on nominated streets near their property
- can park in metered parking bays signed 'resident permit excepted' free of charge with no time restriction
- can park in other areas signed 'resident permit excepted' with no time restriction.
Permits only apply to the streets indicated on the permit and provide exemptions to timed parking restrictions and paid metered parking spaces where displayed on the signage.
Permits do not allow residents to park in designated statutory restricted areas, such as:
- clearway zones
- loading zones
- no stopping zones
- bus zones
- taxi zones.
If you park in an area not for general parking or outside the exemptions of your permit, you can be fined, or your vehicle can even be towed away.
If you live within a Regulated Parking Permit Scheme Area, you may be eligible to apply for a resident parking permit.
Find out more about eligibility for resident parking permits.
More information
For more information about parking permits or Regulated Parking Permit Scheme Areas, phone Council on 07 3403 8888.