A City for Everyone: Inclusive Brisbane Plan 2019-2029 - 01 Travel

A city where everyone moves around safely and easily.

Brisbane is a city with a range of accessible public, private and active transport options.

Council will continue to invest in accessible public transport, deliver more comfortable trips and more travel options for everyone. By 2029, Brisbane will be one of the world’s greatest walking and wheeling cities, and residents will have access to smart, sustainable travel choices.

Council is getting you home quicker and safer and taking coordinated action to fix traffic congestion so that residents spend less time on the road and more time doing what’s important. We are doing this by:

  • delivering the new high-capacity, turn up and go, accessible Brisbane Metro, linking the city to the suburbs and getting people home up to 50% quicker
  • delivering five new active transport bridges across Brisbane to get more cars off the road and give people more choice when it comes to travel
  • improving more than 1000 local roads to reduce congestion and create smoother streets
  • subsidising public transport fares for residents with a $100 million investment, while providing free services such as the CityHopper ferries and city bus loops
  • expanding the CityCat fleet, including new express SpeedyCats
  • creating dedicated bikeways and walking options with record levels of investment.

By 2029, people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds will be able to access information and travel options that meet their needs, so they can travel around the city and get to where they need to go.

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Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.