Lord Mayor's Youth Advisory Council

Each year, Brisbane high schools are invited to nominate one Year 10 student to represent their school on the Lord Mayor's Youth Advisory Council (LMYAC). LMYAC delegates act as representatives of their school and community and are a voice for raising issues or sharing ideas that affect young people.

LMYAC aims to develop young people as leaders and is specifically designed to provide an opportunity for young people in Brisbane to identify issues and engage with each other in a public forum, where they are encouraged to provide feedback and give their opinion about Brisbane City Council policies, local laws, services and programs that affect young people.

The delegates are also encouraged to work with their peers to generate and share ideas regarding initiatives that fulfil environmental, social, creative, economic, diversity and inclusive aspirations of young people in Brisbane.

Meeting format

Four LMYAC meetings are held throughout the year, one held every term, during school hours. Meetings are chaired by the Lord Mayor and discussions facilitated by Council's Youth Development team. Young people are given the opportunity to provide input and share their ideas on Council initiatives during the workshop component of each meeting.

An induction workshop is held prior to the first official LMYAC meeting. This workshop allows students to meet other LMYAC representatives and learn about their local areas and Council’s role. 

We encourage student representatives to attend all five workshops/meetings. The 2025 dates are listed in the table below. All events will be held at Brisbane City Hall. Outside of the formal LMYAC meetings there are also occasions for students to represent LMYAC at official Council events with the Lord Mayor and Councillors, as well as volunteer experience opportunities at youth and community events.

Induction workshop26 February 2025, 8:45am – 2:45pm, at Brisbane Square Conference Centre
Meeting 1Term 1, 19 March 2025, at City Hall, Ithaca Room
Meeting 2Term 2, 7 May 2025, at City Hall, Ithaca Room
Meeting 3Term 3, 6 August 2025, at City Hall, Ithaca Room
Meeting 4Term 4, 12 November 2025, at City Hall, Ithaca Room

Nominations are open

Thank you for your interest in LMYAC. Online nominations are currently open.

Work with your school coordinator to nominate one Year 10 student (in 2025) who will represent your school.

Apply now

If you would like further information, or to reserve a space for your school, email the Youth Development team. 

Are you a LMYAC Alumni and interested in staying connected? Please reach out to the Youth Development team. 

LMYAC achievements

To date LMYAC students have: 

  • supported a youth led Brisbane Legacy forum for Brisbane 2032 Olympics and Paralympics
  • directly engaged and provided suggestions to the Lord Mayor and local Councillors
  • gained deeper knowledge of the local area they live in and the role local Councillors play
  • worked with local Councillors to plan and deliver a series of youth events in their local Ward
  • discussed issues impacting young people in Brisbane and how Council can support young people to address them
  • gained an understanding of Council’s strategy to become an inclusive city through Council’s A City for Everyone: Inclusive Brisbane Plan 2019-2029
  • gained understanding of the complexity around the issues of homelessness
  • engaged with local young leaders who are involved in their communities, such as young Aboriginal leaders from Queensland Family and Child Commission, and young leaders from the Culture Collective, Multicultural Australia
  • gained understanding of the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history by visiting Museum of Brisbane and going on a Walking Tour led by an Aboriginal business
  • developed and presented innovative project ideas to making better suburbs for young people
  • developed a deeper understanding of our city by participating in events such as Homeless Connect, LUMINOUS Lantern Parade, and the National Flag Day Ceremony
  • led and supported donation drives within their schools to deliver needed items for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness
  • explored personal passions and skills required for good leadership, including open mindedness, empathy, flexibility, critical thinking, communication skills and a passion for making a difference
  • continued their leadership journey post LMYAC by returning to assist at current events in the roles of emcee and facilitators.

More information

If you have any access or support requirements in order to participate fully, email the Youth Development team before attending the meetings to ensure that we can arrange any reasonable adjustments.

Please note: the venue is accessible for people using wheelchairs and other mobility aids.

To find out more about the LMYAC program, email the Youth Development team.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.