Stones Corner Suburban Renewal Precinct

Stones Corner is one of Brisbane’s oldest suburban centres, with a distinct identity derived from its leafy village character, iconic main streets and a mix of retail and dining offerings. Located next to the award-winning Hanlon Park / Bur'uda, Stones Corner has a range of housing types, convenient public transport and well-connected walking and cycling options.

Thriving suburbs, like Stones Corner, are what make Brisbane great. Brisbane City Council is creating a clear direction for the future of Stones Corner that enhances the area’s identity while meeting the demand for new homes, providing for a strong local economy, and creating vibrant mixed-use communities for us all to enjoy.

Council seeks to unlock new opportunities in Brisbane through suburban renewal initiatives and precinct plans. The draft Stones Corner Suburban Renewal Precinct Plan will be released for feedback later in 2024.

Following feedback, the precinct plan will be refined and adopted into Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) to guide and assess development.


This draft vision statement will guide future planning and development in the area.

Stones Corner is a vibrant urban village, with a main street culture, diverse housing options, and local jobs and services.

Blending old charm with modern vitality, Stones Corner offers a seamless transition from day to night through an eclectic mix of shops, cafes and lifestyle services.

Connected to surrounding parklands and transport, the precinct’s subtropical design, streets and laneways, provide endless opportunities to stroll, cycle and explore.

What does a precinct plan do?

Brisbane is growing. More people are looking for places to live that are convenient to work, services and parks. Businesses are also embracing opportunities for renewal and diversification.

Stones Corner will continue to grow in popularity as a place to live and work as this area is close to major employment, health, education, sporting and public transport facilities.

Council will work with the local community and businesses to prepare a precinct plan that:

  • unlocks future housing supply with a range of housing types
  • provides more employment, education and services near public transport
  • creates a vibrant community heart that maintains the character of Stones Corner
  • improves access to community facilities, including parks, urban spaces, shops and services
  • leverage investment in the area (e.g. Hanlon Park / Bur'uda, the busway) and capitalise on other emerging programs and priorities (e.g. infrastructure planning)
  • provides for ideal subtropical and sustainable design outcomes
  • improves connectivity within and outside the precinct, including connections to Hanlon Park / Bur'uda, Stones Corner, Buranda busway station and the Buranda train station.

Plan area

The precinct area:

  • is located on the fringe of Brisbane’s city centre between Woolloongabba and Greenslopes and next to Hanlon Park / Bur'uda
  • consists of retail, residential and commercial buildings serviced by the Eastern Busway and Buranda train station.

View the Stones Corner Suburban Renewal Precinct area as a larger map.

Project timeline

Mid 2024Background research and technical investigations
Late 2024

Consultation on the draft precinct plan
Release of draft Stones Corner Suburban Renewal Precinct Plan for community feedback

Council will engage with the local community, the Queensland Government and businesses on the draft plan

Early 2025Plan review
Review of feedback from consultation and preparation of the final plan
Mid 2025Plan adoption
Queensland Government approval of the plan, and its adoption and gazettal by Council into City Plan

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