Grass cutting in parks

Brisbane City Council maintains over 70,000 hectares of grass across Brisbane, including grass cutting in more than 2160 parks.

Council programs its grass-cutting schedule on a seasonal basis. The frequency of service increases in summer when grass grows faster; however, this can be disrupted by significant rainfall or periods of extended dry weather. In these events, services are rescheduled as soon as it is safe and practical to do so.

In most cases, the frequency of service ranges from monthly in winter to fortnightly in summer. High-profile parks which attract higher rates of visitors and sports fields are serviced weekly in the peak of summer.

Grass cutting schedule impacts

Council cuts grass at nearly 40,000 sites and during peak season cuts are scheduled every 14 days. However, rainfall and damp ground can impact this schedule. While we welcome the rain over the summer period, it’s sunny days and dry ground that make for perfect mowing conditions.

If you notice a greenspace in your local area that is overgrown, chances are it’s due to recent or current weather conditions and the ground needs to dry further before it can be cut. If the mowing teams commence too early, they can damage the turf and substructure.

We thank you for your patience as we work around conditions to continue to maintain our beautiful city.

Make a maintenance request 

If you notice a park in your local area that is overgrown, it's most likely due to recent or current weather conditions.

You can report overgrown grass in a Council park using our Report it: Grass cutting and weed removal online form.

Last updated:
Topics: park

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