Algester parks

Find the location of parks in Algester and information about their facilities.

This table provides information about Council parks in Algester including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Blue Range Drive Park27 Blue Range DrivePicnic area/shelter with electric barbecue and playground
Busby Street Park32 Busby Street 
Col Bennett Park137 Ridgewood Road

Car park (Yorrell Street), half basketball court, outdoor fitness/exercise trail, pathway, picnic area/shelter with electric barbecues, playground, rebound wall, water (drinking fountains)

Also includes facilities for:

  • Algester Branch Little Athletics facility (Silkwood Street).
Constance Street Park9 Constance Street 
Delathin Road Park44 Delathin Road 
Endiandra Street Park26 Ackama Street

Dog off-leash area (Ridgewood Road), half basketball court, picnic area/shelter with wood barbecue, playground (Algester Road) and shared pathway network, outdoor fitness/exercise equipment

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:

  • Algester Scout clubhouse and car park (Endiandra Street)
  • Algester Sports Bowls Club and car park (Endiandra Street).
Fenwick Crescent Park39 Fenwick Crescent 
Laurel Oak Park454 Algester RoadPlayground and shared pathway network
Lorikeet Park (Algester)45 Woodland StreetPicnic area/shelter with barbecue (wood), playground
Mt Tamborine Avenue Park8 Mt Tamborine Avenue 
Nottingham Road Park (no. 233)62 Laurel Oak DriveBikeway
Pardalote Park24 Woodland StreetPlayground
Springwater Place Park (no. 27)27 Springwater PlacePlayground and picnic area/shelter
Timberland Park37 Cupania Street

Outdoor fitness/exercise circuit, junior bicycle training circuit and car park, pathway, picnic area/shelter, playground with water bubbler and tap

Also includes the Algester Guides club house.


Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.