Corinda parks

Find the location of parks in Corinda and information about their facilities.

This table provides information about Council parks in Corinda including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Archer Parade Park430 Cliveden Avenue

Restoration site (Cliveden Reserve Bushcare Group), shared pathway, water (bubbler/tap) 

Also includes community organisations and facilities for a horse and pony club facility.

Benarrawa Reserve68 Gray AvenueRestoration site (Benarrawa Bushcare Group) 
Blackheath Road Park154 Blackheath Road Restoration site (Blackheath Road Bushcare Group) 
Consort Street Park70 Consort Street 
Deniven Street Park112 Pratten StreetRestoration site (Clivedon Reserve Bushcare Group) 
Dunlop Park794 Oxley Road

Barbecue (electric), bike rack, car parking (Hughes Lane), garden (Oxley Road), picnic area/shelter (Oxley Road), public toilet (sporting fields), water (bubbler/tap/dog bowl)

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:

Earlson Place640 Oxley RoadPlayground (Browne Street)
Fifteen Mile Corner19 Teesdale StreetPlayground (Teesdale Street)
Francis Outlook Park157 Dewar TerraceWater (bubbler, including bubbler - disabled access)
George Scarlett Park101 Pratten StreetBasketball half court, dog off-leash area, playground and picnic area/shelter
Horace Window Reserve (Carrington Rocks Reserve)
30 Francis Street

Restoration site (Francis and Augustus Streets Park Bushcare Group)  

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:

  • Carrington Boating Club facility.
Kennard Street Park31 Kennard Street 
Montrose Park54 Consort StreetBarbecue, picnic area/shelter and shared pathway
Neata Street Park414 Cliveden Avenue 
Nosworthy Park2 Hall Avenue

Barbecue (electric), basketball half court, picnic area/shelter, playground, toilet - fully accessible, restoration site (Nosworthy Park Bushcare Group), water (bubbler/tap)

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:

  • Corinda Bowls Club


Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.