Forest Lake Management Plan

Brisbane City Council is pleased to announce the works to improve the health of Forest lake for the community and the environments are now complete.

Project summary

This table provides summary information about the Forest Lake management plan including address, ward, project outcomes and latest update.
AddressThe Lake Parklands, Forest Lake
WardForest Lake
Project outcomesTo reduce algae blooms in Forest Lake and improve the health of the lake's ecosystem
Latest updateStage 3 works completed September 2022

About the project

The Forest Lake Management Plan was a Brisbane City Council initiative. Stage two desilting works were undertaken throughout August and September 2021. The aim of this work was to reduce the volume of nutrient-rich sediment in the lake which contributes to algae growth.

The third stage of works commenced in early November 2021 and involved temporarily lowering the lake water level by approximately 400mm to expose the desired areas of the lakebed for the hand-planting of native aquatic plants. Stage three was completed in September 2022.

This project has resulted in the delivery of improved health of Forest Lake for the community and the environment.

The project works included:

  • desilting selected areas of the lake and removing 400 cubic meters of sediment
  • planting native aquatic plants and where necessary, installing bird netting to prevent excessive damage from the local bird life.

Following the successful planting works, the contractor will continue to monitor and care for the plants until they're fully established, including hand watering in hot and dry weather if required.

These works mark the completion of the works for the Forest Lake Management Plan. Council would like to thank the community for their patience and understanding while the works were carried out.


General maintenance and routine inspections will continue at the lake, which include:

  • continuing the successful Ibis management plan
  • testing and analysis of the lake water quality which allows Council to monitor ongoing conditions and implement appropriate actions where required
  • treating weeds around the lake
  • collecting litter
  • clearing silt traps
  • monitoring and managing any changes to the lake environment.

Council will continue to monitor the lake as part of Brisbane’s Total Water Cycle Management Plan. While every care has been taken in the development and implementation of the Forest Lake Management Plan, the lake may require further intervention in the future. Be assured that Council remains committed to achieving the ecological, amenity and liveability outcomes associated with healthy waterways.

More information

Phone Council's Contact Centre on 07 3403 8888.

Last updated:

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