Geebung parks

Find the location of parks in Geebung and information about their facilities.

This table includes information on parks in Geebung including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Bowden Park (The Paul O'Brien Oval)30 Dartnell Street

Barbecue (electric), outdoor fitness/exercise station (Maidencombe Street), picnic area/shelter (Maidencombe Street), playground (Maidencombe Street) and public toilet (Maidencombe Street)

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:

  • Aspley Little Athletics facility
  • Geebung Kindergarten and Pre-school
  • Geebung/Zillmere Guides.
Downfall Creek Reserve263 Bilsen Road

Barbecue (wood), dog off-leash area, outdoor fitness/exercise station, picnic area/shelter (Jefferis Street), playground (Jefferis Street and Brickyard Road), shared pathway, water (bubbler/tap)

View Council's 'Downfall Creek Reserve' Flickr set.

Ellison Road Park262 Ellison Road 
Geebong Park356 Robinson Road West

Basketball/netball facility (Robinson Road West), shared pathway, tennis facility 

Also includes Geebung Meals on Wheels.

Kath Ballard Park (previously known as Copperfield Street Park)55 Copperfield StreetPlayground
Kingtel Place Park42 Kingtel PlacePicnic area/shelter
Murphy Road Park285-299 Murphy Road 
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