Inala parks

Find the location of parks in Inala and information about their facilities.

This table provides information about Council parks in Inala including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Bill Key Lock Place Park8 Bluejay Street

Playground and picnic area/shelter

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:
  • Inala Kindergarten
Clipper Street Park71 Clipper StreetShared pathway
Cormorant Street Park 197 Poinsettia StreetBarbecue, picnic area/shelter (Gannet Street), playground (Gannet Street), shared pathway network, water (bubbler)
D. J. Sherrington Park 601 Blunder Road Durack/Inala Guides, barbecue (electric), half basketball court, picnic area/shelter, playground, shared pathway, skate facility, toilet, volleyball court, water (drinking fountain)
Elizabeth Bruce Playground Park38 Bamboo Street Inala Community House, Our Place Hall, barbecue, basketball court, car park, cricket pitch, netball courts, picnic area/shelter, playground, sporting facility, water (bubbler/tap)
Eridanus Street Park24 Bellatrix StreetBasketball/netball facility, car park, picnic area/shelter, playground, volleyball court 
Forbes Park4 Ilex Street 

Council is upgrading the playground in this park to remove old equipment and install  new conjoined platform including swings, climbing net, slide, climbing wall, play panel, stairs etc. Work will also include new seating, shade structure, turf and landscaping. Work will take place from 24 March to 2 May (weather permitting). The playground area will be closed during the works.

Basketball half court, picnic area/shelter, playground

Hock Davis Park63 Lavender Street Half basketball court (Lilac Street), picnic area/shelter, playground (Lilac Street), shared pathway, water (bubbler/tap)
I. S. A. Memorial Park108 Poinsettia Street
Memorial (Incapacitated Servicemen & Women), picnic area/shelter, shared pathway, water (bubbler/tap)
Kev Hooper Memorial Park 209 Lavender Street 

Basketball/netball facility (near Hyacinth Street), car park, dog off-leash area (near Hyacinth Street), meeting space (Yarning Circle), outdoor fitness/exercise station (near Serviceton Avenue), picnic area/shelter, playgrounds (Hyacincth Street, Lavender Street), shared pathways, volleyball court, water (bubbler, drinking fountain) 

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:
  • Habitat Brisbane Group
  • Old Inala Hall
  •  cultural heritage site (Vietnamese Refugee Memorial (Freedom Place))
McEwan Park380 Archerfield Road 

Basketball half court, car park, picnic area/shelter, playground (Frederick Cookman Place), shared pathway, soccer nets, sporting field, water (bubbler) 

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:

  • Inala & District Darts & All Sports Club
Monoceros Street Park40 Monoceros StreetBasketball half court, playground 
Richlands Depot Park24 Government Road Dog off-leash area (Government Road), water (bubbler/tap/dog bowl)
Thrush Street Park120 Inala Avenue

Barbecues (electric), bikeway (Westcups Way), cycle training circuit (Swallow Street), picnic area/shelter, playground (Inala Avenue), rebound wall (Thrush Street), skate facility (Swallow Street) and car park 

Find out about the Thrush Street Park project.

Tollana Place Park28 Bedarra Street Picnic area/shelter, playgrounds (Deodar Street, Tollana Place), shared pathway 


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