Karawatha parks

Find the location of parks in Karawatha and information about their facilities.

This table provides information about Council parks in Karawatha including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Acacia Forest Park152 Acacia Road 
Karawatha Forest Park (Illaweena Lagoons Bridge, Stretton Recreation Reserve)149 Acacia Road

The Karawatha Forest Discovery Centre off Acacia Road includes interactive displays and forest information, car parking, nature play playground, toilets (disabled), shelters, picnic tables, electric barbecues and a drinking fountain.

Walking tracks start from the centre and pass through forest habitats (the Ironbark and Rocks circuit walks). 

The Rocks Track footpath is currently closed for maintenance. Detour signage is in place with the Rocks Track remaining open via the Eastern (ridgeline) Junction with the Ironbark Circuit only.

The Ilaweena Lagoon off Illaweena Street has car parking, picnic shelters and walking tracks (Wild May trail and Melaleuca circuit walk) and a water bubbler, tap and dog bowl.

The Acacia picnic area includes a drinking fountain.

View photos in Council's 'Karawatha Forest Park' Flickr set.

Scrubby Creek Recreation Reserve50 Hashim Place 
Last updated:
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