Mansfield parks

Find the location of parks in Mansfield and information about their facilities.

This table provides information about Council parks in Mansfield including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Broadwater Picnic Ground Park20 Mansfield PlaceAccess & car parking, barbecue (wood, electric), basketball half court, cycle track, fitness/exercise station, kick-about space, path & bikeway network,  picnic areas/shelters (playground, Sandringham Street), playground, public toilet, water (drinking fountain)
Cresthaven Park50 Banika Street  Basketball half court, bikeway network, outdoor fitness/exercise equipment, playground, picnic area/shelter, restoration site (Mansfield Bushcare Group)
Curringa Street Park191 Wecker RoadTennis facility 
Eastwood Drive Park65 Eastwood DrivePlayground, seating
F.R. Caterson Park730 Mt Gravatt - Capalaba Road  Mt Gravatt Eagles Soccer & Baseball Club, Mt Gravatt Youth & Recreation Club Sports Centre, picnic area/shelter, playground, rehabilitation site (Mansfield Bushcare Group), walking trail, water (bubbler)
Grevillea Park87B Valentia StreetBarbecue (wood), picnic area/shelter, playground 
Ham Road Park165 Ham Road 
Illoura Park29 Trident StreetPlayground, seating
Ron Woolley Place121 Tones RoadWater (bubbler/tap/dog bowl), car park, cricket field, dog off leash area, playground, rugby facility (Easts Mt Gravatt), picnic area/shelter, shared pathway (Scrub Road - Edwards Park), Alan Innes Field, previously known as Tones Road Park 
Sandringham Street Park22 Sandringham Street  
Secam Street Park33 Secam StreetBikeway (Dividend Street, Eastwood Drive) 
Tillack Park (Stan Fraser Field)27 Blackberry Street
Stan Fraser Oval, barbecue (wood), basketball half court, water (bubblers/taps/dog bowl), outdoor fitness/exercise trail (along bikeway), picnic area/shelter (central section of Blackberry Street), playgrounds (northern end of Blackberry Street and central section of Blackberry Street), public toilet (Blackberry Street), shared pathway
Wecker Road Park45 Eastwood DriveShared pathway
Yandina Picnic Ground Park279 Wecker RoadActivity space (Wecker Road), car park (Wecker Road), climbing wall, public toilet (Wecker Road), restoration site (Mansfield Bushcare Group), sporting fields (St Pauls Uniting), shared pathway
Last updated:
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