McDowall parks

Find the location of parks in McDowall.

This table provides information about Council parks in McDowall including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Beckett Road Park60 Paramount CircuitBasketball half court (Paramount Circuit), playground (Paramount Circuit), shared pathway, water (bubbler/tap/dog bowl), seating
Bisset Place Park26 Bisset PlaceBarbecue (electric), picnic area/shelter (Sinatra Crescent), outdoor fitness/exercise equipment, playground (Sinatra Crescent), water (bubbler/tap/dog bowl), shared pathway
Chermside Hills Reserve31 Walker StreetBushland, car park, circuit track (Giwadha), picnic area/shelter (Trouts Road South), playground (Paramount Circuit), restoration site (Cabbage Tree Kids Bushcare Group), water (bubbler/tap)

View photos in Council's 'Chermside Hills Reserve' Flickr set.
Dr Valentine McDowall Park (previously known as Streisand Drive Park)99 Streisand Drive Barbecue (electric), outdoor fitness/exercise equipment, pathway and skate trail, picnic area/shelter, playgrounds (Carides Place & Di Vito Place), water (bubbler) 
Gum Nut Nook27 Boulting StreetBarbecue (electric), picnic area/shelter, playground, water (bubbler/tap/dog bowl) 
Hoffman Street Park2 De Mille StreetAccess (Chermside Hills), cricket pitch 
Laurina Crescent6 Laurina CrescentPlayground 
Lyell Crescent Park40 Lyell Crescent  
Malaga Street Park 71 Malaga Street Water (bubbler/taps)
Margaret Street Park29 Margaret Street Playground, seating
McLeod Court Park36 Margaret Street Barbecue (electric), picnic area/shelter, water (bubbler/tap)
McDowall Reserve1069 Hamilton RoadBarbecue (electric), basketball half court (Stallone Circuit), picnic area/shelter, playground (Stallone Circuit), restoration site (McDowall Bushcare Group), shared pathway network, water (bubbler/tap/dog bowl)
Ponti Street Park27 Ponti Street 
Solar Park128 Streisand DriveBarbecue (electric), picnic area/shelter (Elipse Street), playground (Eclipse Street) 
Sunset Place Park
(includes previously known parks Old Northern Road Park (no. 315) and Savalas Street Park)
19 Sunset Place Barbecue (electric), picnic area/shelter, playground, shared pathway, water (bubbler/tap) 
Tranquil Place Park23 Pidgeonberry Street 
Tuckeroo Street Park51 Tuckeroo Street  Seat
Ustinov Crescent Park (Soroptomists Retreat)57 Beckett RoadActivity space (Landis Street), basketball half court, playground (Lands Street), seating, shared pathway, water (bubbler)


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