Rochedale parks

Find the location of parks in Rochedale.

This table provides information about Council parks in Rochedale including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Ann Crescent Park11 Hobby Street & 66 Ann Crescent 
Fischer Family Park (formerly known as Blackwood Street Park)12 Blackwood StreetPlayground, water (bubbler)
Bock Street Park10 Bock Street 
Bottlebrush Street Park29 Bottlebrush Street 
Cockatoo Place Park11 Kyeema StreetWater (bubbler & tap)
Command Street Park10 Command Street 
Farmers Street Park48 Farmers Street 
Kev Vanstone Park 9 Altitude StreetPathway, picnic area, playground, water (bubbler/tap)
Kookaburra Circuit Park (also known as Hendrick Park)30 Kookaburra CircuitBarbecue (electric), basketball half court, outdoor fitness/exercise equipment, picnic area, playground, seating, water (bubbler, tap)
Levoh Street Park63 Levoh Street 
Miles Platting Road Park (no. 234)234 Miles Platting Road   
Miles Platting Road Park (nos. 246-258)246 Miles Platting Road  
Mt Gravatt - Capalaba Road Park183 Mt Gravatt - Capalaba RoadWalking tracks
Pask Family Park 12 Ascent StreetBarbecues (electric), dog off-leash area, outdoor fitness/exercise equipment, pathways, picnic area, playground, water (bubbler/tap)
Prebble Street Park154 Prebble Street 
Priestdale Road (no.1012)1012 Priestdale Road 
Redfers Avenue Reserve50 Finch Parade 
Rochedale Sports Park 921 Rochedale Road Mt Gravatt District Horse & Pony Club
Strawberry Fields Place (previously known as McDermott Parade Park)11 Kate Circuit Barbecues (electric), pathways, picnic area, playground, water (bubbler/tap)
Wallaby Parade Park40 Wallaby ParadeBarbecue (electric), picnic areas, playground, shared pathway
Last updated:

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