Stafford parks
Find the location of parks in Stafford and information about their facilities.
Park name | Location | Facilities |
Bilston Street Park | 8 Webster Road | Car park, shared pathway, seating and water (bubbler/tap) |
Boles Street Park | 46 Ogden Street | Barbecue (electric), basketball half court, picnic area, playground (Fogarty Street), sporting field (Boles Street), water (bubbler & tap) and public toilet |
Gibson Park | 352 Stafford Road | Access & car parking, barbecue (electric), basketball half court, clubhouse (Dolphin Sea Cadets), picnic area, playground, Stafford Bowls Club Also includes facilities for Gibson Park Committee. |
Hickey Park | 71 Gamelin Crescent | Access & car park (Babarra Street), bikeway and pathway network, playgrounds including one fully fenced playground (sporting club, Gamelin Crescent, Rhodes Street), dog off leash area and water (bubbler/tap) Also includes community organisations and facilities for:
Keith Payne Park | 38 Buddina Street | Barbecue (electric), basketball half court, basketball hoop, memorial precinct, outdoor fitness/exercise equipment, picnic area, playground, public toilet, water (bubbler) |
Keong Park (Turner Playground) | 38 Appleby Road | Activity space, barbecue (electric), basketball court, fitness station, picnic area (Quandeine Street, Teevan Street), playground - fully fenced (Teevan Street), performance space, sport facility, shared pathway and water (bubbler/tap) Also includes community organisations and facilities for:
Roy Harvey Park | 34 Byth Street | Barbecue (electric), dog off-leash area, picnic area with bubbler/drinking fountain, playground, public toilet, sporting fields |
Shand Street Park (no.100) | 100 Shand Street | Dog off-leash area, skate facility & basketball court, shared pathway, access and car parking, water (bubbler) Find out about the Grinstead Park, Shand Street Park (no. 100) and Corbett Street Park upgrade. |
Sheehy Street Park | 45 Shand Street | Playground |
Sparkes Hill Reserve | 101 Shand Street | |
Tathra Place Park | 1 Tathra Street | Water (bubbler/tap) |