Taigum parks

Find the location of parks in Taigum and information about their facilities.

This table provides information about Council parks in Taigum including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Beams Road Park (no. 399)399 Beams Road 
Cassia Place Park20 Cassia PlacePlayground
Corella Crescent Park6 Corella Crescent 
Fernwood Place Park19 Fernwood PlaceShared pathway
Ghostgum Close Park8 Ghostgum CloseSeating and pathway
Ginko Close Park45 Jagera CircuitShared pathway and seat
Gumnut Street Park69 Gumnut Street 
Haywal Street Park11 Haywal StreetBarbecue (electric), picnic area, playground, shared pathway, water (bubbler & taps)
Haywal Street (no.55) Park47 Haywal StreetSeat
Jagera Circuit Park74 Jagera CircuitSeating, shared pathway, water (drinking fountain)
Layson Street Park56 Layson Street 
Longbill Place45 Longbill Place 
Lyrebird Close Park12 Lyrebird Close 
Poplar Place Park31 Poplar Place 
Regent Close Park20 Regent Close 
Roghan Road Park (no.354)354 Roghan RoadShared pathway
Roghan Road Park (no.335)335 Roghan Road 
Songbird Way Park26 Songbird WayPlayground
Taigum Place Park120 Lemke Road

Bikeway, playground - fully fenced, toilet and picnic area

Includes community organisations and facilities for:

  • Sea Hawkes AFL fields and licenced club.
Teal Place Park13 Teal Place 


Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.