Westlake parks

Find the location of parks in Westlake and information about their facilities.

This table provides information about Council parks in Westlake including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Barcoorah Street Park88 Barcoorah Street

Council is installing a new pathway along Callabonna Street. The nearby Coocal Trail bridge in this park has been closed and will be removed for safety reasons. The new footpath will provide alternate access. Work will start 31 March (weather permitting) and take approximately 2 weeks to complete. 

Bushland, seats, walking track, Habitat Brisbane Group site, dog off-leash area

There are also walking tracks at Mount Ommaney Bushland Reserve, Mount Ommaney; Pooh Corner, Wacol and Wolston Creek Bushland Reserve, Riverhills.

Raeside Street Park41A Raeside StreetPath, playground
Riverview Farm Park 121 Wendouree CrescentBarbecue (electric), path, playground, picnic area, water (bubbler)
Seabrook Circuit Park40 Seabrook CircuitActivity space, barbecue (electric), pathway, picnic area, playground (shaded), half court, water (bubbler/tap)
Timaru Close Park11A Timaru Close 
Westlake Bush Park154 Horizon Drive Restoration site (Horizon Drive Bushcare Group), picnic area


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