Finsbury Park consolidated clubhouse
Council is building a new fit-for-purpose consolidated clubhouse at Finsbury Park, in consultation with Gold Crest Cricket Club (GCCC) and Commercial Hockey Club (CHC) as part of ongoing flood recovery efforts.
The new facility will be of a similar scale to the current CHC buildings on the site and will utilise existing parking on Finsbury Street.
Project summary
This table includes project summary information for the Finsbury Park consolidated clubhouse.
Address | 106 Finsbury Street, Newmarket |
Ward | Enoggera |
Project outcomes | Deliver a consolidated clubhouse to improve operational capability and ongoing flood resilience |
Latest update | Construction started early 2024 |
Project documents |
Project background
Finsbury Park was among some of the hardest hit parklands in the severe weather event of February 2022. The event caused widespread flood damage to facilities at Finsbury Park, including the complete inundation of the GCCC Clubhouse. The construction of a consolidated clubhouse for the clubs was identified as a priority under Council’s Rebuild and recover: Flood Resilience Action Plan.
About the project
The project will involve constructing a new consolidated clubhouse that includes:
- two change rooms
- a clubroom with canteen and bar facilities
- storage for sports and maintenance equipment
- office space
- enhanced accessibility and amenities
- deck areas and spectator seating overlooking playing fields
- a building footprint reflective of the existing buildings along Finsbury Street.
The previous location of the main CHC clubhouse building is the most suitable location for the new consolidated clubhouse to achieve future flood immunity, as it is the highest ground level in the park. Minimum floor levels as prescribed in Brisbane City Plan 2014 are to be achieved to promote flood immunity. This location has been carefully considered and discussed with the clubs.
Project timing
Temporary club facilities have been installed next to the existing GCCC clubhouse and will remain in place until project completion. Demolition of the existing Commercial Hockey Club building started in early 2024 with construction of the new consolidated clubhouse now underway. Works will be undertaken between 7am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. The project is expected to be complete in early 2025.
Construction impacts
As part of these works, we will be undertaking:
- demolition of the CHC clubhouse
- excavations and bulk earthworks
- tree removal
- concrete pours
- installation of new building services
- general building construction activities
- new landscaping.
If you live in or travel through the area you may experience:
- increased construction vehicle movement and parking near the clubhouse
- increased levels of noise, dust and low-level vibration
- general construction activities associated with building works.
Frequently asked questions
What will the consolidated clubhouse be used for? Will there be any new uses introduced as part of the project?
The new consolidated clubhouse will be a fit-for-purpose facility to cater for the needs of the existing tenants at Finsbury Park, Gold Crest Cricket Club (GCCC) and Commercial Hockey Club (CHC). The building will be comprised of similar spaces to the current clubhouse buildings and include a multi-function space, kitchen and bar, offices, changerooms, amenities, storage and viewing areas for spectators. No additional uses will be introduced into the new building.
Will the new consolidated clubhouse result in more traffic along Finsbury Street?
It is not anticipated that there will be additional traffic along Finsbury Street due to hockey and cricket operating in different seasons and no new uses being introduced into the new building.
Will there be more noise generated from the new clubhouse when it is in use?
The consolidated clubhouse will result in the building being used throughout the year to accommodate both the hockey season in winter and the cricket season in summer. As per current practice, other users may also access the facility outside the times it is occupied by the hockey and cricket clubs. The building will be of similar size and the number of people using the clubhouse at any one time is not expected to be significantly different from current levels.
The building will include decking and seating overlooking the sports fields which will encourage users to congregate on the eastern side of the building, away from residential properties on Finsbury Street. The new building will also be designed and constructed using materials designed to minimise noise emissions when the clubhouse is in use.
What will be the operating hours of the new facility?
The terms of the current lease over the CHC buildings allows for the use of the clubhouse from 7am to 11pm, Monday to Sunday, excluding public holidays.
Will any additional parking be created?
There will be three dedicated Persons with Disability and an emergency vehicle parking space created in front of the new clubhouse. No further additional parking is proposed for the site as the existing car parking is sufficient for the anticipated use of the new facility.
What will happen with the existing buildings and facilities onsite?
The remaining CHC buildings will be demolished to allow for construction of the new consolidated clubhouse. The GCCC clubhouse will be removed, and the area returned to open space. The current practice nets will be retained on the site for the foreseeable future. New cricket practice nets are currently not included in the scope of works, however an area has been provided in the design for new nets to be constructed in the future.
Will there be any other upgrades across the park as part of the project?
Not at this stage. The scope of this project is to design and construct a consolidated clubhouse facility and cricket nets at Finsbury Park. Should the construction of the cricket nets at the proposed location south of the consolidated clubhouse proceed in the future, realignment of some of the sports fields will be required. Upgrades to the field lighting and field surfaces (including irrigation) are not included in this project.
Will any trees be removed during construction?
Some trees will need to be removed as part of the construction due to their proximity to the new building. Council will work with an arborist to minimise tree removal and protect other trees. Additional landscaping will occur as part of construction to enhance the streetscape in front of the clubhouse on Finsbury Street and to return the area occupied by the current GCCC clubhouse to parkland.
How has Council considered flood resilience in the design?
The new clubhouse has been sited at the highest point in the park. The building will also be elevated to provide greater flood immunity. Flood resilience will be also achieved through additional strategies including the selection of durable building materials and finishes and elevated electrical services.
Who will manage the new facility?
While the park and the clubhouse will remain under the ownership of Brisbane City Council, GCCC and CHC will continue to be lessees of the site. The two clubs are developing a governance model to jointly manage and maintain the new clubhouse building and the surrounding fields.
Finsbury Park clubhouse artist impression

The consolidated clubhouse is jointly funded by Council and the Australian and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements that the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport are assisting to deliver.
More information
For more information about this project, you can:
- Call the project team on 1800 884 681 (during business hours)
- call Council’s 24-hour Contact Centre on 07 3403 8888
- email the project team.