Accessible and inclusive play
Brisbane City Council is committed to ensuring that all children, including those with a disability, have equal access to play spaces so they can learn, grow and develop through play.

Council is working to increase the accessibility and inclusiveness of play experiences in parks across Brisbane by expanding, modifying and improving key facilities to encourage and allow users of any ability to enjoy our parks and natural areas.
Accessible and inclusive playgrounds
Accessible and inclusive playgrounds are places where children of all abilities can experience fun and challenging play alongside their friends and family members.
These 'play for all' spaces use a range of natural and built elements to encourage different types of play experiences, such as active, exploratory, social and quiet play. Innovative approaches in the design and construction of these spaces create expanded opportunities for children with a disability.
As well as access and equity, park design parameters balance a number of factors including recreation, social and environmental values, safety and risk, community benefits and facility functions. The creation of 'play for all' spaces delivers on Council's Brisbane Vision 2031 to be an accessible and inclusive city and realises a proposed action of A City for Everyone: Inclusive Brisbane Plann 2019-2029.
Council has now delivered accessible and inclusive play facilities in more than 40 parks across Brisbane.
Find an accessible and inclusive playground in your area. Once you've found a park, find information (including a photo gallery) on accessible and inclusive play equipment used in Council parks.