Clean and green blog

Keep up to date with everything clean and green! Use this blog to find tips, tricks and more regarding reducing, reusing and recycling as well as information about Brisbane natural environment.

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[UPDATED: December 2024] This year, go beyond 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle', build stronger habits and set positive recycling intentions with these sustainability basics.

[UPDATED: December 2023] We all want to make a difference and support a cleaner and greener Brisbane by taking small actions in our homes, like recycling. Yet, despite our good intentions, we often get stuck wondering what can be recycled, where it goes once collected every fortnight, and why it matters.

Using things up before they go off can be difficult. Busy lives can result in a lot of leftovers, half eaten meals and rotten food.  To help mitigate waste, here are some ideas for using up items.

Prevention is one of the best ways to stop good food going to waste. Let’s look at how you can effectively store commonly wasted food items to reduce the amount being thrown out. 

[UPDATED: February 2024] The top three foods that Brisbane residents throw in their general waste bin are bread, meat and salad greens. Use this blog to find out tips to prevent food wastage.

[UPDATED: February 2024] Our food waste experts have selected the best tips to help parents and carers develop a food waste prevention routine when preparing school lunchboxes


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Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.