Habitat Brisbane - community bushcare

The Habitat Brisbane program is Brisbane City Council's community bushcare volunteer program. It supports over 160 Habitat Brisbane groups whose hands-on conservation efforts protect and enhance habitat and biodiversity in bushland, parks, wetlands and waterways across Brisbane.
Habitat Brisbane groups are run by dedicated volunteers who are committed to keeping Brisbane clean, green and sustainable. Groups work in partnership with Council and receive advice and support from Council's Habitat Brisbane officers.
Whatever your skill level and motivation, joining your local Habitat Brisbane group is a great way to meet new people, develop new skills, connect to nature, be active and healthy, and make a difference to your local environment.
Habitat Brisbane groups undertake a variety of activities including:
- weed removal
- revegetating with locally native plants
- mulching
- citizen science projects
- conducting flora and fauna surveys
- drawing people together to build community partnerships and friendships
- hosting community planting days and open days.
Join a Habitat Brisbane group
Join a Habitat Brisbane group to make a difference to your local environment.
Find your local group in the list below. For more information, phone Council on 07 3403 8888 or email our Habitat Brisbane team.
Search by suburb
Suburbs are listed alphabetically in letter groupings.
Note: only suburbs with Habitat Brisbane groups are included in the dropdown lists. If you can't find your suburb, look for surrounding suburbs.
Habitat Brisbane volunteer videos
Access Habitat Brisbane videos on Council's YouTube channel under our Habitat Brisbane playlist.
Volunteer, Stephanie Ford - Arnwood Place Bushcare Group, Annerley
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Video transcript
>>STEPHANIE FORD: I've been bushcare volunteering here at Arnwood Place, and I am probably most proud that we still have small birds on the site.
What inspired me to become involved with bushcare was walking around this site, quite a few times with my husband and we were birdwatchers and we'd come down and we would try to see what birds we could see closest to our home.
It's one thing to see birds in a national park, but if you go to the piece of bush nearest to your home and try to see what the best thing, the best bird you can see there, um that's quite interesting.
But there are certainly moments that are like milestones...like this little area here for example used to be all covered in glycine and we cleared all that weed and planted natives and now they are getting a good height on them.
It's just beautiful as well to have the creek in the background while you are working. Ducks are there, and moorhens and there are a lot of turtles in this creek, particularly in summer you notice them.
Also, when we are working, we plant a lot of vegetation on the banks to try and improve water quality and we spend a bit of time removing garbage from the banks as well. So every time I see a little native plant that is coming up by itself and I free it up and give it some space to grow, um I know I'm making a difference and that is just so satisfying.
[end screen] Find out how to get involved by searching 'habitat' at brisbane.qld.gov.au.
Volunteer, Mike Fox - Fox Gully Bushcare Group, Mount Gravatt
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Video transcript
>> MIKE FOX: I started this group with the support of Habitat Brisbane back in 2006 in the middle of the drought.
And it's just a place where I find it's peaceful.
The other thing I love doing is just finding what's living here.
I've identified 52 bird species on the mountain, 48 butterfly species, 11 solitary native bee species.
So there are lots of things...I'm always finding something new...always learning something new.
And I regenerate my energy by just coming out in the bush.
When we came walking, we'd always come around here.
So you can look out to Stradbroke Island, Mount Petrie, Mount Cotton.
I can now come and sit at Jude's favourite spot, and that's part of the reason I keep doing this.
She actively supported me in this for years. And...so I keep it up.
[end screen] Find out how to get involved by searching 'habitat' at brisbane.qld.gov.au.
Habitat tripods with Mike Fox - Fox Gully Bushcare Group, Mt Gravatt
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>> MIKE FOX: One of the things we have been doing is building habitat tripods.
Just using some of the fallen timber and making a tripod.
And then growing something like this dusky coral pea and shrubs up around it.
The main logic behind this, and why we started doing this, is providing habitat for fairy-wrens.
As we clean up lantana and clear some of the scrubby, untidy bush, we are getting rid of safe places for fairy-wrens.
So the thinking is to create these alternative spaces.
The other thing this does is also as we get more and more species growing up through it and around it, we get more insects.
And insects are what the fairy-wrens want to eat.
So, we are actually trying to regenerate the forest.
[end screen] Find out how to get involved by searching ‘habitat’ at brisbane.qld.gov.au.
Koala drinking stations with Mike Fox - Fox Gully Bushcare Group, Mt Gravatt
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Video transcript
>> MIKE FOX: So at the moment we’ve got a koala drinker project underway to see if providing water for koalas will make a difference on the mountain.
This photo came in last night from the cameras that monitor it, and there is a koala climbing up the tree past the drinker.
So we have got kolas using the drinkers, brush-tailed possums using the drinkers, brush-tails with babies, koalas with babies, friarbirds, king parrots, fairy-wrens, you name it.
Everyone is using those water sources.
So it’s really…now we are looking at what we can do to make it long term.
Sort of 10 years, 20 years.
[end screen] Find out how to get involved by searching ‘habitat’ at brisbane.qld.gov.au.
Volunteer, Nat Costanzo - Wittonga Park Bushcare Group, The Gap
Video transcript
Video transcript
>> NAT COSTANZO: I actually took on this Habitat Brisbane group with two of my really close girlfriends.
We did it as a way to connect with people in the community, rather than revegetation.
So our focus has always been on having fun.
And when we do our planning sessions once a month, it's usually done you know over dinner and a wine, or lunch and a wine, and so it's a really nice way for us to catch up while doing something meaningful.
I'm most proud that we've provided an experience that people come back to.
So every working bee about 10-20 people come and help out and most of them are return visits and so we have kind of built a bit of a community.
We all know each other and it's really rewarding because you just do a little bit.
Like what we've done today is weed the bank behind me and that was all panic grass and so we've removed that and now you can see that everyone is just planting lomandras.
So you just do a little tiny bit at a time and it feels really good to help wildlife come back to this beautiful spot.
And it is a bit selfish because I walk past here every day.
So being able to see the work that we are doing, and watch the plants grow...I feel like they are my little babies. It is really nice.
[end screen] Find out how to get involved by searching 'habitat' at brisbane.qld.gov.au.