About the Bridges for Brisbane Program

Brisbane City Council is providing more transport options and responding to our growing population, making it easier for our residents and visitors to travel around our city now and into the future.

Building and investing in Brisbane’s bridges, footpaths, bike paths and e-mobility network is creating world-class public and active transport infrastructure that will help residents navigate the city easily, and will leave a lasting legacy as we set our sights on the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Our new active transport bridges are a vital part of this plan, making it even easier for our residents and visitors to get around our city on foot, by bike or scooter, or by connecting with public transport.

Council’s Bridges for Brisbane Program will deliver a new connection between Kangaroo Point and the CBD, a new crossing at Breakfast Creek, and new links from Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End.

In June 2022, Infrastructure Australia identified the bridges as nationally significant infrastructure, recognising the critical role the city-shaping program will play in shaping our city’s future.

Council remains on track to meet its commitment of investing up to $550 million to progress the Bridges for Brisbane Program, with the Breakfast Creek / Yowoggera Bridge now open and the Kangaroo Point Bridge expected to be complete in 2024.

In response to the ongoing impacts of the global inflation crisis on Council's projects and services, planning for the Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End bridges will remain paused to prevent avoidable costs being passed on to Brisbane's 1.2 million residents.

Bridges for Brisbane is one of the key initiatives of the Transport Plan for Brisbane – Implementation Plan 2018.

Project status

The Breakfast Creek / Yowoggera Bridge was completed in February 2024, with construction of the Kangaroo Point Bridge expected to be complete in late 2024.

Planning for the Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End bridges was paused to prioritise Brisbane's rebuild and recovery efforts following the February 2022 severe flood and weather event, with planning to remain paused in response to the ongoing impacts of the global inflation crisis on Council's projects and services.

Find out next steps.

Previous consultation

Community and stakeholder feedback is critical to the development of Council's new active transport bridges.

Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End Bridges

In November 2020, Council undertook community consultation on a shortlist of alignment options for the Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End Bridges.

Council reviewed and analysed all feedback received on the alignment options and prepared a consultation summary document for each project. Detailed consultation reports were also prepared that outline the consultation process, feedback received and Council’s response to key feedback themes.

Feedback from this consultation phase helped to identify a preferred alignment for each bridge and informed the development of the concept design and preliminary business case for each project.

In November 2021, Council released concept designs for each bridge for community feedback. Based on the concept designs, Council also prepared preliminary business cases for both projects. Council reviewed and analysed all feedback received on the concept designs and prepared a consultation summary document for each project. Detailed consultation reports were also prepared that outline the consultation process and feedback received.

Feedback on the concept designs will play a critical role in future stages of planning, including the final bridge designs, ongoing connections to the city-wide walking and riding network, and management of impacts during construction, once funding for the projects is secured.

Kangaroo Point and Breakfast Creek / Yowoggera Bridges

In August and September 2020, Council invited the community to have their say on the draft reference design for the Kangaroo Point Bridge and concept design for the Breakfast Creek / Yowoggera Bridge.

Council reviewed and analysed all feedback received and prepared a consultation summary document for these bridges. Detailed consultation reports were also prepared for these bridges outlining the consultation process and feedback received.

Feedback has played a key role in informing the final designs for these bridges, with construction starting on the Kangaroo Point Bridge in late 2021 and Breakfast Creek / Yowoggera Bridge in mid-2022.

Initial consultation outcomes

In late 2019, Council invited the community to have their say on the Bridges for Brisbane Program.

This initial phase of consultation introduced the Bridges for Brisbane Program to the community and provided people with an opportunity to give feedback during the early planning stages for each bridge.

Approximately 3500 people participated in the consultation program, with 3385 pieces of feedback received.

Council completed a detailed analysis of all feedback received and prepared an Initial Consultation Outcomes report.

Download the report:

Following mixed feedback received during the initial consultation phase, further targeted consultation on the Bellbowrie Bridge was undertaken in May and June 2020 with the communities in the Pullenvale and Jamboree Wards. As a result of community feedback, Council announced in June 2020 it would not be progressing the proposed Bellbowrie Bridge.

Next steps

In June 2021, Council awarded a contract to Connect Brisbane, led by BESIX Watpac, to design and construct the Kangaroo Point Bridge, following an extensive procurement process.

Construction started in late 2021, with expected completion in 2024. For information regarding construction of the bridge, including the latest project updates, visit the Kangaroo Point Bridge construction page.

Council is committed to continuing to work closely with the Queensland and Australian governments to fully realise the benefits of the Bridges for Brisbane Program. If funding is secured, Council will consider progressing the detailed design and procurement process for the Toowong to West End Bridge to ensure it can be delivered sooner than anticipated.

Council recognises the positive level of support for the Toowong to West End Bridge and has set aside funding to acquire the land necessary for the proposed Toowong landing, confirming Council's commitment to deliver the bridge once funding is secured.

Council will continue to keep local residents and stakeholders informed and provide more opportunities for residents to have their say during future stages of the project.

Program timeframes


march 2019

Bridges for Brisbane Program announced.


september 2019

Preliminary business case for Kangaroo Point Bridge completed.


late 2019

Bridges for Brisbane Program initial community consultation.


mid 2020 to late 2020

Kangaroo Point and Breakfast Creek / Yowoggera Bridges community consultation and procurement commenced.


late 2020 to mid 2021

West End Bridges community consultation and detailed planning.


mid 2021 to early 2022

 Bridges for Brisbane Program ongoing technical investigations, consultation and procurement activities.


early 2022 and beyond

Phased delivery of Bridges for Brisbane projects.


Current stage

early 2024

Breakfast Creek / Yowoggera Bridge completed in February 2024.


late 2024

Expected completion of the Kangaroo Point Bridge.

More information

For more information on the Bridges for Brisbane Program you can:

  • phone Council's Bridges for Brisbane Program team on 1800 318 166 during business hours
  • email the project team
  • write to:
    Bridges for Brisbane Program
    City Projects Office
    Brisbane City Council
    GPO Box 1434
    Brisbane Qld 4001.
Last updated:

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