What you can take to Council's resource recovery centres

Brisbane City Council has four resource recovery centres (previously known as 'transfer stations'), located at Willawong, Chandler, Ferny Grove and Nudgee. Use this page to find out what you can take to our resource recovery centres.

For information about what you can put in your bins at home, download Council's free Brisbane Bin and Recycling app.

Extended opening hours

From Monday 3 March until further notice, Council’s 4 resource recovery centres will have trading hours extended from 6.30am to 8.45pm in an effort to help Brisbane residents prepare ahead of Tropical Cyclone Alfred. Free green waste drop off is available. Find out more.

Solar panel recycling trial 

Council is partnering with the Smart Energy Council to launch Australia’s first solar panel recycling pilot. This initiative marks the first step towards finding a sustainable solution for managing solar panel waste by collecting, reusing and recycling solar panels to prevent them ending up in landfill. 

You can book a free home collection by completing the online booking form. 

The pilot will test the feasibility of collecting and recycling solar panel waste to help inform a statewide solution. 

What happens to panels once they are collected? 
Once solar panels are collected from your home, they are sent to a recycling facility where they are dismantled into their individual components, such as glass, metals and other materials. These separated materials are then repurposed to create new products. 

Items accepted for recycling

The following items can be dropped off at any resource recovery centre in a vehicle under 4.5 tonnes Combined Gross Vehicle Mass (CGVM). When you arrive, inform staff at the gatehouse that you have recycling to drop-off first.

Accepted items
Waste typeExamplesRequirements
BatteriesSizes AAA-D, button batteries, rechargeable, lithium, lead acid car batteries, solar batteries, power bank batteries
  • Household quantities only
  • Remove batteries from devices and appliances. If you can’t remove, inform staff
  • Large solar batteries are not accepted
CardboardLarge cardboard from packaging
  • Flatten boxes first before dropping them off
Cooking oil-
  • Up to 20 litres
Electronic wasteTVs, computers including portable data processing machines, monitors and projectors, printers, computer parts and peripherals, photoelectric smoke alarms with non-removable batteries, vapes
  • Household quantities only
  • Delete sensitive data and personal information from devices before recycling 1
  • Remove batteries from devices and appliances. If you can’t remove, inform staff
Engine oilUsed mineral engine oil
  • Up to 100 litres in total and 20 litres per container
Fire extinguishers-
  • Up to 9 kilograms each
Gas bottles-
  • Must be empty (if you believe there might be a small amount of gas remaining, please inform a staff member onsite.)
  • Up to 6, 9kg gas bottles
  • LPG (BBQ gas bottles), Butane, Helium, Propane gas bottles accepted 
  • Must be in good condition (cannot be damaged or leaking)
Hard plasticsRigid plastics such as buckets, chairs, crates, plastic containers, plastic gardening pots and tubs-
Household recyclingAluminium cans, cardboard and paper, glass bottles and jars-
LightsFluorescent lighting tubes and bulbsOnly fluorescent lights

Steel, stainless steel, tin, iron, copper, aluminium

White goods and large appliances (e.g.: fridges, washing machines, dryers, freezers, air conditioners, ovens, cooktops)

Machinery such as whipper snippers, lawn mowers – fuel and oil must be drained

Small household appliances (e.g.: toaster, kettle) and other equipment with a power source

Other items such as cast-iron pipes, metal water bottles, baths, copper coils, screen doors, trailers

  • Fuel and oil must be drained from machinery such as whipper snippers and lawn mowers
  • Remove batteries from devices and appliances for recycling. If you can’t remove, inform staff
  • Fridges and other applicances need to be empty
Mobile phones-
  • Delete sensitive data and personal information from devices before recycling.1
PaintLiquid or solid paint, lead, water or oil-based

Tip: You can decant your unwanted paint into fewer tins of the same paint type. Let the paint dry out in your empty tins and place these in the metal recycling bins at the resource recovery centres.

PaperPaper for document destructionHousehold quantities only
PolystyreneLarge polystyrene blocks used for packaging
  • Household quantities only
  • Must be clean, free from paint and glue 
  • Volumes over 5 cubic metres attract fees and charges

Find out more about disposing of household hazardous waste.

It is important to delete data from your electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers, tablets and laptops before disposing of them to help prevent theft of your personal information (known as identity theft). Visit MobileMuster for tips on deleting data from mobile phones and TechCollect for deleting data from computers and other devices.

Items accepted for donation to Council's Treasure Troves

Council’s Treasure Troves prepare all reusable, donated items for sale. Proceeds go to the Endeavour Foundation to support people with a disability. Resource recovery centre staff may decline items for donation that are not considered saleable.

Advise staff at the gatehouse and the recycling area if your load includes the following items for donation.

Donatable items
  • artwork, antiques and sculptures
  • books
  • clothing - quality textiles and wearable resalable clothing
  • compact discs (CDs), digital video discs (DVDs) and records
  • furniture and other household items in good working order
  • kitchen utensils
  • luggage
  • musical instruments
  • shoes and bags
  • sporting equipment, including bikes and exercise equipment (no electrical equipment)
  • toys suitable for ages 3 and up in good condition (broken plastic toys can be recycled in the hard plastic recycling bin).

The Endeavour Foundation is unable to accept electronic or electrical items. These items can be donated to charities who accept them or placed in electronic waste (TVs, computers) or metal recycling (household appliances). Ask staff on site for more information.

Green waste

You can contribute to generating valuable compost for our local farms and gardens by recycling your green waste at the resource recovery centres. Disposal fees apply and you can pay by using waste vouchers (where applicable), card, or commercial account.

Accepted green waste
  • flowers and foliage
  • grass clippings
  • leaves
  • loose bark
  • palm fronds, twigs, branches
  • garden prunings from shrubs and trees (e.g., offcuts, roots, tubers)
  • weeds, ivy, creepers and vines.
Green waste not accepted
  • garden tools, hoses, gloves, fuel, oil, cans, plastic plant pots
  • pavers, logs and sleepers
  • dirt, gravel, rocks, soil and stones
  • tree stumps over 500 millimetres
  • treated and untreated building timber.

You can also recycle your green waste at home by:

General waste

You can take general waste to the resource recovery centres for disposal. Disposal fees apply and you can pay by using waste vouchers (where applicable), card, commercial account or cash.

Resource recovery centres do not accept the following materials:

Quantities of soil, concrete and masonry:

  • are accepted for domestic quantities only (equivalent to a trailer or ute load)
  • are not accepted for commercial quantities (equivalent to a truckload or more).

For large quantities, contact a recycling facility that accepts soil, concrete and masonry or a private landfill. Businesses reuse, recycle or reprocess these products to a saleable product.

Preparing your waste

Watch our short video to learn how to efficiently pack your load before visiting a resource recovery centre. By following these tips, you’ll reduce your time on site and save money on waste disposal fees.

Find out more information on using the resource recovery centres.

Arriving on site

Please note: if your combined vehicle and waste load is over 4.5t CGVM please visit a major resource recovery centre, located at Nudgee and Willawong.

Vehicle under 4.5 tonnes combined gross vehicle mass (CGVM)

At the entry gatehouse, let the guard know what materials you have to drop-off and follow their directions to the drop-off points.

Always drop-off recycling first so you can be re-weighed before visiting the green waste and general waste sections of the site. This ensures your recycling is free and you will be charged for the remaining waste.

General waste and green waste disposal fees apply. Pay by waste vouchers, card, cash, or commercial account.

Vehicle over 4.5 tonnes CGVM

Visit a major resource recovery centre, located at Nudgee and Willawong.

At the entry gatehouse, let the guard know what materials you have to drop-off and follow their directions to the drop-off points. You can use the recycling bins located in the  general waste area for any recyclable items in your load.

Fees and charges apply for all waste types. Pay by card, cash, or commercial account. Waste vouchers are not accepted.

Last updated:
Topics: waste

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