Your City Your Say

Your City Your Say is Council's free community consultation program that allows you to have a say on things that affect your community.
By signing up to Your City Your Say, you can expect to receive regular updates about Council projects and programs, including invitations to have your say via surveys, workshops or discussion forums – both online and face-to-face.
Current consultations

Wynnum Manly Lota Foreshores Master Plan
We are planning to create a 20 year master plan to revitalise and rejuvenate the Wynnum, Manly, Lota foreshores. You can register for project updates and share your connection to the foreshores.

Musgrave Road - Waterworks Road, Red Hill to The Gap clearway review
We are committed to keeping Brisbane moving by delivering the Brisbane Clearway Action Plan - Keeping Brisbane Moving initiative to ease congestion.

Indooroopilly bikeway
We are investigating the next stages of the potential future Indooroopilly Bikeway, between the Western Freeway Bikeway and the University of Queensland (UQ).

Mansfield Safer Schools Precinct
We are implementing the Mansfield Safer Schools Precinct to support the local community to become more liveable and safer for everyone to enjoy.
Benefits of community consultations
Community engagement has benefits for you as a resident as well as Brisbane City Council.
It allows Council to access wider sources of information, points of view and potential solutions. It also gives residents a better understanding of the issues behind the decision making process and the related constraints or opportunities that exist.
You can provide feedback direct to Council on the following:
- what’s important to you
- how you feel about the big issues facing Brisbane
- your thoughts on growth and change occurring in your neighbourhood and across the city
- how you feel about specific plans and projects that Council has in mind
- the services that you want in your community
- how Council’s existing programs and services are doing, and where Council can improve.