Dark alluvial soils

Our climate and growing conditions are perfect for so many plants, so here is what to plant in this type of soil.

Ground covers and grasses (up to one metre) and vines

Table showing common name, botanical name and features
Common nameBotanical nameFeatures

Blue flax lily

Dianella longifolia

small lily of open eucalypt forest; blue flowers; bright blue berries; suits rockery or foreground planting

Kangaroo grass

Themeda triandra

widespread grass of the eucalypt forest; fine foliage; coppery seed heads in summer

Many-flowered mat rush

Lomandra multiflora

small, grass-like plant for sunny sites; sprays of miniature flowers; evening perfume; draws butterflies

Scrambling lily

Geitonoplesium cymosum

grassy-leafed scrambler; shiny black berry and dainty white, perfumed flowers; fresh shoots edible

Wonga vine


vigorous twining vine in shaded forest situation; ferny foliage; showy sprays of small trumpet flowers

Low shrubs (one to two metres)

Table showing common name, botanical name and features
Common nameBotanical nameFeatures


Jacksonia scoparia

fine-leafed hardy shrub for sunny position; clusters of yellow pea flowers; porous soils

False coffee bush

Breynia oblongifolia

small shrub with arching branches; small red-black fruit; open, well drained, moist site; attracts butterflies

Hop bush

Dodonaea triquetra

shrub with distinctive clusters of bronze hop-like fruit; partial shade; moist, well drained position

Pointed-leaf hovea


fine open shrub; purple pea flowers in late winter; prefers filtered light, deeper soils

Medium shrubs (two to five metres)

Table showing common name, botanical name and features
Common nameBotanical nameFeatures

Brisbane laurel


open shrub with cream flowers; evening fragrance; yellow fruit open to reveal red seeds; attracts birds


Persoonia cornifolia

hardy shrub; upright habit; mid-green foliage; small, yellow fuschia-like flowers; yellow edible fruit

Green kamala

Mallotus claoxyloides

"smell of the bush" shrub for under storey in rainforest garden; male and female plants

Large native olive

Notelaea longifolia

dense, rounded shrub; fruit attracts birds

Wild may

Leptospermum polygalifolium

hardy, fine-leafed shrub; open arching habit; useful in mass plantings; small white flowers in summer

Small trees (five to 10 metres)

Table showing common name, botanical name and features
Common nameBotanical nameFeatures


Acacia melanoxylon

shapely, dense small tree; mid-green foliage; moist deep soils; cream pom-pom blossom in summer

Hard quandong

Elaeocarpus obovatus

tree of creeksides; dense, mid-green foliage; clean grey trunk; small white flowers; small blue fruits

Red ash


medium tree; clean grey bark; dark green, leathery leaves, silver beneath; attracts birds and butterflies

Red kamala

Mallotus philippensis

nicely shaped tree if grown in sun; can be pruned to give new reddish growth; velvety red fruit



small shade tree; disease free and hardy; bright green pinnate foliage; decorative orange fruit persists

Tall trees (over 10 metres)

Table showing common name, botanical name and features
Common nameBotanical nameFeatures

Moreton Bay ash

Corymbia tessellaris

large trees for acreage or steep sites; comprised original canopy of the area; trunks a feature; provide food, nest and perch sites for numerous and varied native wildlife

Pink bloodwood


large trees for acreage or steep sites; comprised original canopy of the area; trunks a feature; provide food, nest and perch sites for numerous and varied native wildlife


Eucalyptus microcorys

large trees for acreage or steep sites; comprised original canopy of the area; trunks a feature; provide food, nest and perch sites for numerous and varied native wildlife

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.