Temporary waste bin sites

Residents can now access temporary waste bins in suburbs across Brisbane, to help households impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred dispose of excess household bin waste.

Council has established more than 190 temporary waste bin sites in areas where regular kerbside waste collections have been impacted by severe weather. Temporary waste bins are for Brisbane residents and household quantities of waste.

You can search by address in our map to find a nearby bin location, or check the lists of bin locations by suburb.

To further assist residents in the clean-up from ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred, free green waste disposal is also available at Council’s four resource recovery centres. Find out more.

Map of bin locations

Lists of bin locations by suburb

Suburbs A-F
AlbionCrosby RoadMeals on Wheels carpark - off Crosby Rd
AlderleyAlderson StreetCarpark just past pool
AlderleyShand StreetGrinstead Park
AlgesterSilkwood StreetSide of park on wide shoulder (opposite 100 Silkwood St)
AnnerleyArnwood PlaceLeft hand side end of street
AnsteadApplegum StreetCorner of Boyle Road
AnsteadWirrabara RoadRight hand side of road as you turn into Wirrabara Road
AshgroveMcCormack AvenueOpposite Gavan Street
AshgroveMirrabooka RoadOpposite Moola Road
AspleyHorn RoadHawera Crescent Park (Horn Road frontage)
AspleyKirby RoadAspley Devils Football Club carpark (next to Harry Kirby Park)
Bald HillsHoyland RoadVacant lot next to Harold Kielly Park, intersection of Bracken Ridge Road
Balmoral91 Lytton RoadRiver Church carpark
BalmoralTugulawa StreetBulimba Memorial Bowls Club carpark
BardonBarnett RoadAt end of street
BardonBaroona Road (no through road section) Behind Government House 
BardonDavid AvenueBowman Park carpark (very close to Purtell Park site)
BardonFletchers ParadeRoadside verge of Jubilee Park
BardonLorward StreetPurtell Park (West Juniors Rugby League carpark)
BellbowrieBirkin RoadBooker Place Park
BelmontMeadowlands RoadMeadowlands Picnic Grounds - Meadowlands
BoondallMuller RoadCar park area of Boondall Park
BoondallParthenia StreetFrank Sleeman Park carpark (entrance on Parthenia Street)
Bracken RidgeTelegraph RoadBill Brown Sports Reserve, near netball courts
Bridgeman Downs29 Darien StreetDarien Street Park 
BrightonOpposite 165 Baskerville StreetBetween Northcote Street and Douglas Street, near Peace Park
BrightonTenth AvenueCarpark of The Rooster's Club
Brisbane CityGeorge StreetRedacliff Place (Reddacliff Place, Queen St Mall)
BrookfieldBrookfield RoadNext to cemetery in Brookfield Rec Reserve
BrookfieldMoggill RoadRafting Ground Reserve carpark
CalamvaleEndiandra StreetAlgester Sports Club, place close to charity bins at front entrance
CalamvaleOrmskirk StreetCalamvale District Park, place in indented bay in driveway from Ormskirk Street entrance
Cannon HIll1182 Wynnum RoadMurarrie Recreation Reserve entry off Wynnum Road
Cannon898 Wynnum RoadCannon Hill Stars Junior Rugby League Club carpark
CarinaNarracott StreetBelmont Services Club carpark accessed via Narracott Street
CarinaPreston RoadSouth Brisbane softball club carpark, end of Preston Road
Carina HeightsBoundary Road Camp HillWhites Hill Reserve in carpark
CarindaleScrub RoadScrub Road Carindale wide shoulder just before Oakley Street
CarseldineGraham RoadAspley Hornets Club carpark
ChandlerTilley RoadSleeman Sports Centre and Chandler Markets
Chapel HillFig Tree Pocket RoadBehind bus stop 34 (near Kenmore Rugby Club)
Chapel HillFleming RoadCarpark of the Hut Environmental Centre
Chapel HillRussell TerraceGreen Hill Reservoir
ChermsideMurphy RoadSealed carpark up near cricket sheds in Marchant Park Cricket Grounds (entrance off Murphy Road)
Chermside WestMaundrell TerraceCarpark at end of road in John Goss Park
CoorparooCorner of Main Avenue and Tenth Council carpark corner of Main Avenue and Tenth Avenue
CoorparooCorner of Robinson Street and Burke StreetMetropolitan Districts Netball Association
CoorparooJackson StreetCouncil carpark drive thru access
CorindaHall AvenueNosworthy Park carpark on Hall Avenue
CorindaHughes LaneCarpark at end - pool location
DarraMonier RoadBetween Sumners Road and Bellwood Street (gravel strip on side of road)
DarraWestcombe StreetOutside West District Baseball Club
DeagonHickson RoadRight hand side at northern end of road
DoolandellaBrookside StreetDead end street on road shoulder
DoolandellaCloverdale RoadNear Panda Street
East BrisbaneHilton StreetHeath Park
Eight Mile PlainsDaw RoadDaw Road near Ian Gill Oval
Ellen GroveBoundary RoadCarpark beside the Council waste water treatment plant
EnoggeraGizeh StreetFerguson Park
EnoggeraHurdcotte StreetEnoggera Memorial Park
Everton ParkOsborne RoadTeralba Park entrance off Osborne Road up road to near club house
FairfieldVenner RoadCarpark of South Brisbane Cricket Club
Ferny GroveLeckmy StreetLeckmy Street Park
Ferny GroveMovilla ParkMovilla Street Park
Ferny GroveUpper Kedron RoadCorner Samford Road and Upper Kedron Road
Fig Tree PocketFig Tree Pocket RoadBoat ramp carpark
Forest LakeCollege AvenueLeft hand side of road just past dog off leash area just before Mawson Place
Forest LakeForest Lake BoulevardCarpark near Forest Lake playground, near blue shade sails
Suburbs G-L
GeebungOpposite 58 Brickyard RoadBrickyard Road Park carpark
GracevilleCorner Nadine Street and Graceville StreetEntrance on Nadine Street
GracevilleOff Oxley RoadGraceville Memorial Park carpark
GreenslopesBarnsdale PlaceAnnerley Recreation Club carpark
HeathwoodParkwood DriveHeathwood Park carpark access street 
HemmantDoughboy ParadeHemmant Scout Group wide frontage on Doughboy Parade
Herston Clyde RoadEnd of street (Ballymore Stadium end)
Herston Gilchrist AvenueCarpark of Victoria Park 
Herston Gould RoadHardstand area of Gould Park
Holland ParkArnold StreetWJ Scott Park carpark (driveway next to scout hall)
Holland ParkElgar StreetSeville Park carpark
Holland ParkLawn StreetGlinderman Park (hard surface area is in front of playground at Oates Avenue "T" intersection)
InalaEridanus StreetCarpark bays half way down length of park
InalaHyacinth StreetKev Hooper Memorial Park (wide shoulder)
InalaThrush StreetWestrup's Way park (left hand side of shoulder)
IndooroopillyMeiers RoadSir John Chandler Park (end of road)
IndooroopillyRussell TerraceMoore Park
Jamboree HeightsBeanland StreetAt end of street
JindaleeMount Ommaney DriveJindalee boat ramp
Kangaroo Point Baines StreetRaymond Park carpark
Kangaroo Point Holman StreetLeft and right hand sides of Story Bridge
Kangaroo Point River TerraceNear intersection of Main Street (footpath near loading zone at café end)
Kangaroo Point Wharf StreetWharf Street carpark directly underneath the Story Bridge 
Karana DownsCairns-Cowan DriveIllawong Reserve carpark
Karana DownsCaringal DriveSecond carpark in Kookaburra Park
KedronTenth AvenueEnd of street on the edge of Mercer Park
Kelvin Grove Picot StreetTurnaround section of Picot Street
KenmoreGem RoadKingfisher Park
Kenmore HillsBielby RoadBefore Mukurta Street
Kenmore HillsBrookfield RoadBefore Deerhurst Road
KeperraHanran StreetNear Westside Grovely Football Club
KeperraLesina StreetAt end of street
Kuraby1498 Beenleigh RoadSvoboda Park Car Park, entrance off Stiller Drive
LotaAndrew StreetFrontage of Bayside United Soccer Club
Suburbs M-R
Mackenzie1098 Mt Gravatt Capalaba RoadTraffic island opposite 1098 Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Road, on service road
Manly55 Lower EsplanadeGeorge Clayton Park carpark, off Upper Esplanade
ManlyRoyal EsplanadeManly Marina Cove (Royal QLD Yacht Squadron) public carpark. (Royal Esplanade, opposite number 593)
MansfieldGretna StreetTillack Park, corner Firthshire Street and Gretna Street
MansfieldMansfield PlaceBroadwater Picnic Ground carpark (F R Caterson Park) 
McDowallPleshette Place &and Rode RoadLarge carpark hard surface on the corner of Pleshette Place and Rode Road
Middle ParkHorizon DriveHorizon Drive Park carpark (Horizon Drive frontage)
Milton       Nerida LaneMilton Park playground carpark 
MitcheltonProspect RoadEntrance opposite Duke Street
Moggill3488 Moggill Road3488 Moggill Road, near Col Westaway Oval
MoorookaCurrey AvenueMoorooka Districta Football Club carpark
MoorookaVendale AvenueBack carpark of Moorooka Lawn Bowls club near entrance to Koala Park
Morningside191 Richmond Road Keralgerie Park off Richmond Road
MorningsideCol Gardner DriveColmslie Recreational Reserve
Mt CrosbyBanksia DrivePlatypus Park carpark
New FarmBrunswick StreetNew Farm Park - Brunswick St frontage, main entrance
NewsteadWaterloo StreetCarpark for park
Norman ParkHalifax StreetCP Bottomley Park carpark, entrance on Halifax Street
Norman ParkScott StreetRollo Park, corner Scott Street and Norman Avenue
Norman ParkNorman Avenue (opposite Moreton Street)Norman Park Sports & Community Club, opposite Moreton Street
NorthgateDay RoadStanley Richardson Place Park
NorthgateFlower StreetOrchard Park
Nudgee562 St Vincents RoadSt Vincents Road Park
Nudgee BeachFortitude StreetCarpark near toilet block
OxleyAvalon StreetGrass shoulder, corner Avalon Street and Valance Street
OxleyBannerman StreetCorner Bannerman Street and Oxley Road
OxleyLincoln StreetCarwonga Park
OxleyMabel StreetCorner Mabel Street and Englefield Road
PallaraVan Dieren RoadPallara Sports Fields, place on pad north western corner of fields
PallaraVied RoadParkland, indented adjacent to Council half basketball court
Pinjarra HillsCorner Moggill Road and Pinjarra RoadCorner Moggill Road and Pinjarra Road
PinkenbaMcBride RoadEnd of road along shoulder or on gravel at end
Red HillLower Clifton TerraceAt end of cul-de-sac
RichlandsOld Progress RoadDead end turn around
RichlandsOrchard RoadDead end turn around
RiverhillsSumners RoadRiverhills West bus stop/turnaround, opposite Rufus Street
RobertsonTroughton RoadBrittian Park
RockleaSherwood RoadOxley Common Green Space Environment Centre ring road
Runcorn71 Dew StreetDew Street park carpark
Suburbs S-Z
SalisburyAllandale StreetRuss Hall Park, entry from Allandale Street
SalisburyBeaudesert RoadBrothers Football Club carpark, Kookaburra Park
SandgateCurlew StreetAt the Fullham Street, end over the train line on the left hand side is a gravel carparking area
Seven HillsFerguson RoadCamp Hill Bowls Club carpark just off Ferguson Road
SherwoodJolimont StreetSherwood Arboretum carpark
ShorncliffeKate StreetWide shoulder on bend in Kate Street and Barton Street
ShorncliffeSwan StreetEnd of carpark in Moora Park carpark area
South Brisbane Cordelia StreetCorner of Peel Street
Spring HillLove StreetLove Street Park carpark
St LuciaMacquarie StreetIn turnaround zone between Munro Street and Carr Street
StaffordTeevan StreetKeong Park, carpark on Teevan Street frontage
StrettonIllaweena StreetCorner of Gowan Road, adjacent to fenceline of school oval
Sunnybank Woff StreetJim Murdoch Oval, Woff Street shoulder of park near skate bowl
Sunnybank HillsKingman StreetNear Sollya Place, wide shoulder at side of green corridor
TaigumLemke RoadSandgate AFC carpark of the old football club
TaringaHeroes AvenueIn park carpark
TarragindiBarr StreetOpposite Rochdale Avenue
TarragindiShaftsbury StreetIn front of dog off leash area
TarragindiWeller RoadWeller Road Scout Group carpark beside primary school
The GapCorner Hilder Road and Alutha RoadCorner Hilder Road and Alutha Road
The GapPaten RoadPaten Park entrance
The GapWaterworks Road (East)Park entrance opposite Jevons Street
The GapWaterworks Road (West)Carpark at 1180 Waterworks Road
Tingalpa1555 Wynnum RoadKianawah Park, opposite Tenbar Street
Toowong Pictavia StreetRoadside verge corner of Pictiva Street and Brosley Road
Toowong Scenic DriveDirectly above Mt Coot-tha Quarry 
Toowong Sir Samuel Griffin DrivePicnic area between Hoop Pines and Slaughter Falls picnic areas
Toowong Sylvan RoadToowong Memorial Park carpark
Upr Mt GravattKlumpp RoadVacant lot beside Mt Gravatt PCYC and pool carpark on Klumpp Road
VirginiaJefferis StreetDownfall Creek Reserve
VirginiaWellington StreetWarburton Park
Wakerley880 Manly RoadCouncil carpark
Wavell Heights175 Edinburgh Castle RoadWavell Community Hall carpark 
Wavell HeightsWarr StreetMain Avenue Park
West End Buchanan StreetCorner of Musgrave Street
West End Montague RoadCorner Ferry Road
West End Montague RoadCorner Beesley Road
WilstonFinsbury StreetFinsbury park, bottom carpark
WilstonNoble StreetCarpark down end of street
WindsorGreen TerraceCorner of Gren Terrace and Kidman Street carpark
WishartGreenwood StreetCarpark end of Greenwood Street, next to park
WishartRedpath StreetBoorabbin Picnic Ground, end of Redpath Street
WoolloongabbaHarrogate StreetEnd of Harrogate Street in dead-end section
WynnumBuderim StreetWynnum Memorial Park entrance off Buderim Street
WynnumColina StreetKitchener Park, entrance off of Colina Street 
Wynnum WestKianawah RoadVikings Sporting and Football Club carpark
Wynnum WestSandy Camp RoadCarpark opposite Iona College
Wynnum WestWynnum North RoadPrimrose Park opposite Montrose Parade gravel area in front of park
YerongaBrisbane CorsoNear the water treatment plant
YerongaCansdale StreetOut in front of Brisbane United Football Club behind bollards
YerongaHyde RoadClose to kindy
ZillmereZillmere RoadSealed carpark O'Callaghan Park near PCYC


Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.